SPN 15-6 Golden Time Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll

Nov 22, 2019 15:34

What did you think of this episode?  Tell me :)
Poll SPN 15-6 Golden Time

I almost stopped watching at the beginning there because I really really hate that narration.  For one, it is not loud enough to hear properly, and two, it's background noise that ruins the scene.  HOWEVER... what did everyone think of the narration saying "Dean" instead of "Sam" when Sam and Eileen first get to Rowena's room?  It starts I think when they are at the door - "They enter and Dean is taken aback..." and ends with "Dean stands in front of the mirror..."  By the time we see what the witches are seeing in their mirror, it's changed to Sam.  Have there been any tweets on the subject?  Is it a mistake, or does it mean something? I'm going with "meaning something" because it is Chuck writing.  I hope it's a bit more than just typos.

Let's go on to the more interesting stuff.  Other than that, I really enjoyed the ep.  I'd rate it as Great, and that may have been an Awesome without the narration.  I know many people really liked the chemistry between Sam and Eileen, so it was neat for your sake and for Sam's that she came back and now IN THE FLESH :D

I liked that Dean was binging Scooby Doo and eating cereal.  Them talking about the visions and how GOD was going to find them eventually.

Cas is fishing :D and smells a case! and the lady in the Sheriff's office asks for his help.  Was that lady actor an angel or something once?  I seem to  recognize the face.

Sam jogging was a nice sight, and his face when he sees Eileen <3  The rain does wonders to his hair.

I LOVE Sam getting Rowena's stuff and being the only one that doesn't get hurt in her room!  And I loved that he got stuff for a spell to kill the witch while he was finding stuff for them.  Dean coming to the rescue at the end was a nice touch too.

Cas' stabfest was disturbing and I couldn't quite understand how the kid could let him heal him after seeing that, but  I get where that anger toward men with power came from.  Love his kind face too.

Finally, very emotional scene of Eileen coming back to life<3  And nice talk between Sam and Dean.  Will Cas come back?  I hope he doesn't unless Dean apologizes.  I'd rather he did some work on his own.  I did love him using Dean as his supervisor though.

So yup, I loved pretty much everything except the narration.

Some pictures -

Rowena's room.  Cool.

Sam's hands and he researches...

I wouldn't have noticed the blur in the hall if the narration hadn't said anything and I noticed only the second time because I was busy hating the narration LOL.

OH you guys... check out the sub-sandwich pants Dean has on :D!!!!!!!

Isn't this the same park bench used back in Season 9?

Pretty Sam...

This lady - I'm almost positive I saw her before on SPN and in a role as an angel.

Pretty angle of Rowena's hidden room.

Rowena's journals :O

Another good angle of Cas researching...

I love it when they use reflections in their shots.

A hot pic of Cas as he realizes that the djinn was the Sheriff.

And the poor mom watching Cas stab the guy over and over again.

Dean coming to the rescue and finding that there was a ghost witch to contend with as well...

Dean on the floor and  that fist...

Smart Sam

Ghost on ghost action??  Can a ghost kill another ghost?

I think I can help you with that... may I?   Ummm...

Pretty face though.

Loved the candles in the shots of Eileen.

Nice shot of Dean <3

I can't do it without you, Dean...

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, season 15, spn episodes

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