SPN 15-02 Raising Hell Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll

Oct 18, 2019 14:59

What did you think of the ep?Poll 15-2 Raising Hell

It was ok. I'm not overly excited by this storyline I'm afraid. I can live with just getting to see all our favorites though. Kevin and Rowena and Ketch made this ep worth the watch.

I did love the reminder that Dean told God to go to Hell - and then God raised Hell :D

Someone said the new title card showed how they were going to defeat God. You think that is Leviathan goo? I'm still holding on to the possibility of Benny, but also more and more that this is a season where they are just going to try to get as many characters back as they can. So this ep we got KEVIN TRAN :D

I wasn't really convinced by the argument that now that God was out of the picture Kevin couldn't enter Heaven. God is not the one who let Bobby into Heaven. It's the angels that have power over Heaven, just as it's demons that have power over Hell. That's totally weird.  However, this means we might just see Kevin again - at the final battle? :D

I loved how awesome Rowena looked, and the bit with Ketch too even though Ketch has gained a bit of weight and doesn't really look himself.

Dean all depressed and angry at God and the meaninglessness of life was sad. I see things more Cas' style. Hope Dean figures things out.

So, God touches his wound and Sam feels it too. That means if they find a cure for Sam, then God is cured too, aye? And vice versa.

Some nice scenes-

Rowena just looked awesome.

And this was a very artistic scene.

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, season 15, spn episodes

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