Part I is personal stuff so I've put it under cut but I just had to put this up too and publicly yes, because I have been watching Grimm - It came up in NETFLIX of course as something I "might like" and I had heard some of you guys talking about it but didn't have time before. I'm loving the humor of it the most. I can't comment on the story much yet because I can't remember any of the names except the main guy Nick (I am terrible with names, they just go in through one ear and out the other). He is cute - the actor David Guintoli - although not quite swoon material for me(yet anyway), but I just had to share the eyelashes because they are amazing.
My smartphone ap doesn't allow me to screencap but my computer does! So I did it the old fashioned way with the prt sc key. Here's the evidence.
OK, you're thinking, yeah, they're long, I guess?
You sort of see it here but...
then Woh. :D
You're welcome.
Now, I think I'm going to go back to Ep 1-13 :)