100 Days of Happy Day #72

May 14, 2019 18:49

It's a rainy day, which is never as happy as a sunny one, but, I had choir practice in the morning which was super nice. Mr Ko Matsushita the composer, at whose home we were practicing, came in near the end and asked if he could listen. I guess he heard us singing the music he composed and was touched by it. He was feeling a little down and felt he needed a pickmeup. It is a song about motherhood, or mother and daughter, and he has also just recently lost his mother, so I especially felt for him. He came in and not only listened, but played the piano accompanyment. How amazing is that? He didn't coach us either. Just told us that we had the potential to be able to move everyone, not just mothers who can relate. It is quite an emotional song. Our performance will be in June at the Mother's Choir Competition. Appropriate, aye?

I was exhausted after the practice. I really ised my whole body to try to sing loud enough not to be drowned out by the piano. Hubby made us lunch, which I gobbled down, and still had room for more snacks before class, as well as a short nap.

Also, Julian is working on a big art piece for the school festival magazine cover. Here is the pencil drawing.

He is now coloring it in with paint.

And a picture of my kid's gifts from Sunday.

music, happy, my day

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