100 Days of Happy Day #51

Feb 10, 2019 20:11

It's been a busy week and weekend but I do have some happy things to talk about.

Saturday, we went out to a restaurant for dinner with our friends, a mom and her daughter who is 1 year older than Alex but also freshman of University. They wanted some advice regarding a homestay Yuki was planning to go on in spring.

It was nice not to have to cook at all, and enjoy an evening together! It was snowing, but not much despite the weather forecast. We are supposed to have snow on Monday as well.

Today I had chorus practice in the morning again. We took our costumes along to try them on together and practice with them on - especially the heels. Only two more weeks!!!

Zootopia was on Disney channel so I watched that with Audrey. Interesting thoughts about society and discrimination and how important it is to just keep trying to make things better.

happy, movies, my day

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