13-10 Wayward Sisters Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll

Jan 20, 2018 00:21


What did you think of this episode? I'd love to hear it in the following poll and/or comments!
Poll 13-10 Wayward Sisters

I LOVED it! I laughed out loud so hard in some places, and cried in others. It was a perfect mix of every awesome feeling: of love for a child (as a mom), love as a family that doesn't even start with blood, DEAN WAS HILARIOUS!! Who was it that was talking about them eating frogs? THAT WAS PRETTY DARN CLOSE LOLOLOL!!!!! Claire was AWESOME, Alex was cool, Donna OMG and Jody - her pain of having lost one child and not wanting to lose another, letting Claire go... :'''') Kaia saving Claire instead of the other way around was AMAZING and so touching. And the last - I knew even before she openned the hood that it would be a face we knew - maybe Claire herself - but KAIA! And I guess if Kaia of this world has the ability to open gates to other worlds, THAT world's Kaia also has that ability. That will be a shock when Claire gets to her. But maybe somehow they will be able to use her power to open gates too. Right now there is no way for them to get to Jack and mom.  The last monologue by Claire was also really good. It was an awesome episode.

Let's go back to the beginning and look at all the awesome scenes one by one just so I don't miss any of it.

First off, the song! Awesome theme of facing one's fears - in this ep, Claire, Kaia and Patience all face their fears to do what they believe is the right thing.

I Am the Fire by Halestorm
Am I brave enough?
Am I strong enough?
To follow the desire
That burns from within
To push away my fear
To stand where I'm afraid
I am through with this
'Cause I am more than this
I promise to myself
Alone and no one else
My flame is rising higher
I am the fire
I am burning brighter
Roaring like a storm
And I am the one I've been waiting for
Screaming like a siren
Alive and burning brighter
I am the fire
I've been sacrificed
My hearts been cauterized
Hanging on to hope
Shackled by the ghost
Of what I once believed
That I could never be
What’s right in front of me?
I am the fire
I am burning brighter
Roaring like a storm
And I am the one I've been waiting for
Screaming like a siren
Alive and burning brighter
I am the fire
I don't believe I'll fall from grace
Won't let the past decide my fate
Leave forgiveness in my wake
Take the love that I've embraced
I promise to myself, me and no one else
I am more than this
I am the fire
I am the fire
I am burning brighter
Roaring like a storm
And I am the one I've been waited for
Screaming like a siren
Alive and burning brighter
I am the fire
I am the fire
I am the fire
I am the fire
I am the fire

The ep starts with a reminder of what has happened previously. Then seeing Claire's awesome hunting skills.  Werewolf Ed is playing with his dinner by scaring her with a 'joke'
WEREWOLF(Ed): Knock Knock,
AMANDA: Who's there?
And they get a real knock on the door XD
(Knock, knock)
WEREWOLF: Who's there
Love that little touch of the werewolf 'playing with his dinner' and then asking the same thing.

Also, Claire writing 'his name' on the package :D

CLAIRE: Amanda Fitzmartin? I'll be right there.

WEREWOLF: Who the hell do you think you are?
CLAIRE: I kill monsters. That's who the hell I am.

CLAIRE: Your mother's been looking for you. It's gonna be ok.

(Kills remaining werewolf) Like I said. Totally ok.
She is just too cool and watching her watching the little girl with her mother was just really touching. The point of this obviously is not just that she is bad ass though, but that she is confident in herself and maybe has not lost someone in her charge yet.

Then the phone call from Jody. Jody of course uses the exact same words Dean used to Sam in the Pilot.  And I guess getting a call from her new mom and getting a hug from her later is symbolic after she just watched a mom hugging her girl...

JODY: They were on a hunting trip and I haven't heard from them in a few days.
It's time to come home.

She gets home and we have a *tears* reunion:

CLAIRE: Hi Jody. Alex... you miss me?
ALEX: Not really.

CLAIRE: When did we become huggers?
JODY: Just glad you're home safe.
Then she is introduced to Patience who is already wearing one of Claire's sweatshirts and sleeping in her room. She feels a bit hurt, even though it was her that left home. Patience also doesn't know how to react to this wild girl. They are so different and react to things in such different ways!

ALEX: Baby.
Alex is cleaning Claire up - nurse that she is - and Claire pretends not to like it XD

Alex then asks Jody are you gonna be ok? and goes off to work.

Claire can't understand Alex's life - how she can just go do a normal job.  But after Alex leaves, Claire wants to know what she meant by asking Jody that. So after an outburst by Claire about how she was fine and safe, Jody tells her that Patience had a vision that she died.
Now, I think we all thought last ep that Jody was the one dying - but I guess Patience thought it was Claire. The only reason she saw Jody was because Jody was holding Claire as she 'died.' And of course she had mistaken her visions on actually who was dead as well.

Anyway, Claire is told that she is going to die. AND WHO TAKES THAT SERIOUSLY?? Or wants to believe something like that? I think Claire's first reaction is quite normal. Of course, Patience doesn't see it from Claire's point of view. She just sees someone who brushed off her important vision and is hurt by it.

JODY: And if you end up dead?
CLAIRE: I won't.
JODY: Claire, you can't just run away from this.
CLAIRE: Watch me.
Claire, probably wanting some time to herself and needing to do something to save Sam and Dean, goes to the hospital to get some help from Alex. They have a little talk about Jody and how Claire left so Jody wouldn't worry about her all the time, while Alex points out that Jody never stopped worrying. Duh! But Claire is enlightened and it is a great scene.

CLAIRE: Nice outfit.
ALEX: It's a uniform. What's your excuse?
CLAIRE: I look great

ALEX: You look like Biker Barbie.
CLAIRE: Thank you.

ALEX: If she needs my help with anything, dishes, monsters, I'm there. for her.
CLAIRE: Unlike me.
CLAIRE: Alex, the way things were going, if I would have stuck around, she just would have worried all the time.
ALEX: Claire, she never stopped.

They look up Jane Doe's again and find that there was one carried into Sioux Falls that day. So Kaia wasn't thrown very far aye? The boatyard was close to Sioux Falls as well. Claire goes to check Kaia out and Kaia sees her, but thinks she needs to get away.

Claire comes in and tries to stop her from leaving by telling her she is a friend of Sam and Dean but it gets her the opposite affect. Kaia wants to get away from all the horrors that the Winchesters brought with them. She tries to leave and is confronted by one of the monsters from her Bad Place.

CLAIRE: I'm a friend of Sam and Dean Winchester.  And I think you know them too.
KAIA: Leave me alone.
Claire is badass but is thrown and Jody comes just in time to shoot it which gives Claire enough time to stab it in the throat. Lots of gooey blue blood spurts from it and it dies, thankfully.

CLAIRE: So let's talk.

(Love Kaia's face!)
All through the examination in the garage later I was worried it was going to open its eyes again as they usually do in movies LOL It was awesome the way they gave us that suspense by by coming back to show us it's face and eyes once in a while.

After that, Kaia is more willing to come with them - she knows they are after her, and maybe thinks these girls can protect her so she should stay. Claire comes up to her on the steps to the house and they exchange scar tales which is pretty awesome.

CLAIRE: So you fight them.
KAIA: Fight, no. I run. But sometimes they catch me.
CLAIRE: Is that how you got that?
KAIA: I've got others all over.
CLAIRE: Me too. Look. Goul bite, bar fight with a vampire. He threw me through a window.

KAIA: And this one?
CLAIRE: Here? Um. Heroic battle with the doorknob. I tripped. ... Kaia, what happened?
Kaia tells Claire how she is always running from the monsters and I think hearing Claire tell about fighting them both gives her a bit more courage to face her fears and draws her to Claire as well. She tells Claire what happened and Claire explains the situation to the others so they can go find the gate and save Sam and Dean.

CLAIRE: The door is still open. If we can find it we find Sam and Dean.

KAIA: No. If they are there, they are already dead.
Meanwhile Sam and Dean are eating lizard! Or at least Dean is eating it LOL

SAM: Don't tell me it tastes like chicken.
DEAN: No Sam, it's a lizard.  It tastes like a lizard.
LOVE this conversation!
Sam wants to keep moving to find the door but Dean's like this may take a while.  No one knows where we are and the gate is probably closed.

Sam: So What are you saying?
DEAN: I'm sayin' eat up.

Awesome scene, but Sam not eating it because it looks disgusting is a bit sad. Come on, he's not a little girl for Christ's sake. Survivors are not picky eaters.

Love Dean going back for the meat XD

I was a bit disappointed Sam and Dean couldn't put up a better fight toward the hooded figure/AU Kaia. You'd also think that in this strange world they would have found some poles to use as walking sticks and defend themselves at least. When Kaia said that if they were in her Bad Place by themselves they were surely dead already, I wanted to say Haha. You don't know Sam and Dean... but how easily they got caught and would probably have been eaten... makes me close my mouth. Boo. OK, I could make up a story in my head of how they would have gotten away if Claire hadn't come. Their legs weren't tied so it's not like they would die that easily. *sighs* Better LOL

Patience is grossed out by the monster and still can't deal with this new world she has dropped into - really it's one and the same, but it was so much easier pretending there was nothing out there, especially when those she tries to help don't take her seriously. So here is another girl who faces her fears in the end and 'kills a monster' XD But first, she decides she's going to go back to her dad and see if he will take her back.

ALEX: Is that what you want? To go back home, pretend you're little miss perfect and not a powerful psychic?
PATIENCE: This is just all way too freaky.
Alex tries to dissuade her but she is determined until she gets to her car and has another vision - of one of the monsters attacking the house.

She runs into the house to tell them, and Claire and she have a face-off but I guess they decide to leave and put some cameras around the room (I got one of these network cameras for my classroom!) and see what happens on Claire's smartphone as they leave. Claire sees that Patience was indeed correct. Their living room is wrecked by the monsters and they know that they will be coming after them - especially Kaia.

PATIENCE: Believe me now?
Patience's warning of Claire's death becomes more real to Claire.

Jody stops the cars and Donna meets up with them. Love this family reunion!!! Love Donna's reason for having an arsenal!!! And her awesome cheerfully bad ass attitude <3<3

JODY: I called for some backup.
PATIENCE: Like what, the National Guard?
JODY: Better.

PATIENCE: Why do you have all this?
DONNA: I'm from Minesota.
Alex figures out where the boatyard was from Kaia's description and Jody and Donna go to check it out, asking Claire to take care of the girls because Jody is scared Claire will get killed.

Donna sees the boys' car and knows they are in the right place<3

JODY: Claire, I know you are not going to like this but I need you to stay here and keep these girls safe.  Just until we've checked things out OK?
CLAIRE: OK, Jody.  Go.
(Jody is surprised to hear Claire agree.)
Claire is now feeling afraid for her life (and is finally willing to admit it). So she agrees to stay behind. While she is brooding, Kaia comes up and they have a really nice talk.

KAIA: You're scared.
 Kaia is surprised that this girl who sounds so strong is afraid.  But this also gives her the courage to do something brave too.

CLAIRE: But Sam and Dean saved my life, and I can't sit this one out.
KAIA: Then don't.  If you go, I'll go with you.  Maybe together we can save them.
Claire talks about how she is afraid for her life, but also feels she has to save Sam and Dean because they saved her. Then Kaia says that if she feels that way, she should do it. Kaia has really matured quickly from this and befriended Claire deeply in such a short time. Kaia tells Claire that if she goes, she would go with her and they would save Sam and Dean together.

Sam and Dean have been tied to trees by the masked AU Kaia and she has called some sort of monster (maybe a god of their world?) to her sacrifice as far as I can tell.

Meanwhile Jody and Donna find the door and Jody is about to go in. Donna tries to stop her from acting rashly saying that they need to go back to the girls and talk about it first. But Jody is sure that if they bring Claire that Claire would insist on going in and SHE CAN'T LOSE ANOTHER CHILD *sobs* and Donna is like, 'I understand.' *sobs*

JODY: I'm going in.  If I don't she will.  Donna, I cannot lose another child.
But just as she is about to do so they hear the monsters in another part of the boat.

There are a couple headed for them. So they go to take care of them first but end up getting stuck in a car with a monster circling them. Just as they finally decide to make a run for it, Claire breaths fire LOL!

DONNA: If we make a run for the truck we're dead.
JODY: If we stay here we're dead.
DONNA: Alrighty then.

CLAIRE: I called, you didn't answer, we worried.

Such a cool entrance with her back up looking like some army which she talks about them being at the end... <3

DONNA: There you are buddy.
(I love that she is talking to it like it's a wild animal she can tame with her voice :D)
But they find out there are more than they thought.
Meanwhile, Claire finds the door.

CLAIRE: I need to save Sam and Dean and you have to let me.
JODY: I know.
So Jody faces her fear here aye?
*sobs* Gah. Beautiful scene.

CLAIRE: I will protect you.

And Kaia and Claire step through. They find Sam and Dean pretty easily and cut them free just in time for them not to be lunch.

OK, so they get back to the opening and AU Kaia comes and throws her javelin? at Claire, but Kaia pushes her out of the way and gets it in her chest instead. So it is actually Kaia that dies.

And it is a beautifully painful scene where Claire calls to her holds her hand as she dies... She did die right? We are not going to find out later that somehow she replaced the other figure or something like that? We did see the blood flowing... but it is not her world... can she really die in it? She has powers and maybe she pushed Claire out of the way because she knew she couldn't die? Like when she was caught dreamwalking, she was hurt but didn't die right? Well, I'll leave an option open in my mind because I really want her to be alive somehow.

Anyway, beautiful scene. And Claire rushing at the figure to try to kill 'her' and Dean stopping her and That huge monster - which is, I am positive, the same as the figure in the artist's drawing last ep. They go through and Claire calls out 'NOOOOOO' as the gate closes behind them, leaving Kaia behind. Yeah, I'm not going to believe she is really dead for a while yet.

Love that action filled photo.

Love Claire crying in Jody's arms, and Patience realizing that she had interpreted the vision incorrectly. She is new at it as she said before.

JODY: We've got Sioux Falls covered.

DEAN: Damn right you do.

Jody's smile is forced here.  She is worried for her girls.
They are back at the house and Patience realizes that she worked through her fear.

PATIENCE: I killed a monster.

ALEX: Welcome to the family.
Claire is just torn to bits by how she let Kaia get killed after telling her she'd protect her. Gah... Sam and Dean leave telling Jody to thank Claire for them, and another touching scene where Claire tells jody she knows how Jody feels when Claire endangers herself.

JODY:When you're ready, if you want, we're all here for you.
Then she writes down the 'hunt' in her diary and goes down to her army and it is brilliant.

CLAIRE: We saved Sam and Dean.  All of these amazing women.  My family
... I am staying because I need them.  My family, my army.

CLAIRE: We are going to find it, and I'm going to kill it.
Looking forward to watching the spin-off!!

(Now I'm going to go and watch it again and get some screencaps and quotes! <3)

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, season 13, spn episodes

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