Likes, Pins and Subscriptions!

Jan 09, 2018 21:05

I now have 77 78 79 ? subscribers to my supernutjapan youtube channel.  WHAT IS GOING ON??  The thing is I haven't posted anything new in like... two years!  But I've been getting a new subscriber every couple of months  and now three in one day?? plus a lot of comments - especially on my The Girls Love Sam video which now has 53 thousand views (410 likes)...

Second is the Sam/Sarah video at 18 thousand (159 likes) or so.   LOL  I guess it is being recced somewhere.  jalerie ??! XD  I am bewildered.

Another interesting thing that happened recently..  You know those Hospital and Whiskey posts I did the other day? Well, I had to reupload a lot of gifs for those that I made for my rewatch reviews (because they had been on Photobucket) so I stuck them in my Supernatural Gifs board on Pinterest to be added to the reviews later.  Well the past couple of days people have actually been pinning my gifs on their boards!  Which is really nice because they are not just pics I chose, but gifs I made and have my watermark on them :D<3  I also got some comments <3  It's been so quiet on LJ recently it's been really nice to also get responses elsewhere.  I might stick the Toothache fic on AO3 to see if I can get some more reactions on that.  I've been telling myself that this is a good opportunity to do some writing, but I am stuck in a rut on my Boy in the Mirror fic that I am struggling to get out of.  Maybe I should just start a new review.

**By the way, for those who were interested in my indeavors to save my gifs on Pinterest, I looked up the rules again and found that there is a limit to the number of pins (not memory as far as I can tell)  and boards you can pin on one account - so if you hit the limit you have to delete boards or pins to make room for others OR make another account with another e-mail address.  Can't remember exactly the amount but I have a lot more pins to go so no worries.  And I'd delete a few of my boards without second thought if the time came :P

So I hope everyone is well.  Maybe if I pop in on my feed it will be a bit more cheery today. *hopes*

fan-vid, fan-fic, gifs, my day

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