
Oct 23, 2017 11:03

While procrastinating on my rewatch review, I've been working on my WIP.  I started on the next part of the story, which I finished a chapter of, then all of a sudden really needed to go back and do a background fic from the Master's point of view.  It's not very long - just a bit less than 2k.  Anyone up for giving feedback (and possibly betaing) a porny underage slavery fic?  (Oh man... *headdesk* )  I've done my best to keep the demons in check, I promise, nothing too awful.  The other chapter is some clumsy first time angry/angsty Sam/Ruby porn if anyone is interested in that ... :P

At this point, I've been working on this alone for so long, I'm just wishing for someone to talk about it with.

the boy in the mirror, fan-fic

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