SPN 12-12 Stuck in the Middle With You

Feb 18, 2017 01:17

What did you think of this episode? I'd love to hear it in the following poll and/or comments!
Poll SPN 12-12 Stuck in the Middle With You

My thoughts -My first thought after watching was, Who was in charge of the music for this episode? and are they SERIOUS or was that some kind of JOKE? There I was, after bawling at Cas about to die, then Crowley breaks the sword and THEY MADE ME LAUGH at that awful music. Was that supposed to be some kind of "Dean pulling the sword from the stone" moment?  Was that supposed to be funny?

Music is so important to creating the moment. Most of the music this ep was a bit out of character but still doable. The Oldies music during the fighting kind of was like a broken record type feel, which fit. I sort of liked the western duel type music they had for them confronting the Prince of Hell, Ramiel. It was interesting. Fresh. But, it did cheapen the moment, slightly. A bit too sappy. The music during Cas' dying scene was good. It made me focus on his words and I was actually sobbing. I really thought this might possibly be the end of Cas. That moment, I thought he might die. Maybe be resurrected again, but still he might die. No silly music that scene.  Then Crowley breaks the lance and saves Cas, and what do we get? Some sort of Dean-pulls-sword-from-stone music - that's what it reminded me of, the Dragons ep of Season 6, but I guess it was the light sound and Western mix that did it.  It really sounded like they were picking fun at Cas being cured and ruined the whole scene for me.

Come to think of it, this was a weird episode in other places as well. All the titles and jumping back and forth, the slomo of the hunters walking toward the diner in the first jump back in time reminded me (sort of) of Abandon All Hope but also a comedic movie I must have seen, again because of the corny Western music. The scene at the diner was cute, but not quite right. Maybe on the whole, they were trying to create that feeling of the whole thing being false, because of Mary keeping secrets and the whole hunt being a setup.

Then, I realize, maybe the whole Western music thing was because Mary was telling this story to the BMoL.  This is how the guy heard the story.  Dramatic, silly, a cheap Western.  That makes sense to me actually and thinking of it that way makes the ep an Awesome for me, because the ep itself was really cool: Mary being deceived by the BMoL into stealing the colt from a Prince of Hell and going into it unprepared, thinking Sam and Dean would go along with it if she could make it look like she was helping another hunter, the hunter being none other than the guy we saw with the BMoL before and warning Mary that something wasn't right and DYING BECAUSE MARY TRUSTED THE BMoL,

Sam and Dean being so damn good looking as usual, and the waitress having the hots for Cas :D<3 The demon with the spooky whistling (music that I've also whistled to myself LOL) and that was strong enough not to be held in by a devil's trap, the yellow eyes <3 (the hint of the colt at the THEN!!!) Cas crawling into the road and Ramiel going after him was very horror and scary ESPECIALLY with that Western music which included whistling. That fit well.

Sam and Dean killing off the normal demons was totally cool and loved how the crazy record music stopped when they did<3<3 After the colt being shown in the THEN I was sure Sam and Dean were going to go back in time again to get the Colt LOL But no, the Colt was what Mary stole for the BMoL WITHOUT TELLING THE BOYS. OH boy...*headpalm* Mary and the Hunter checking out the demon we have 60s music (Not for me, by Bobby Darin) again - probably because Mary is listening to it in the car LOL Funny. Like it. Crowley trying to save the Winchesters and negotiating with Ramiel after Dean assumes he just bailed, then saving Cas later by breaking the lance was awesome(IF I mute the music). Last ep it was Rowena helping them, now it's Crowley :D

The times of these are a bit mixed due to the crazy back and forth but here are some memorable moments:

Dean waiting for Ramiel to come in

RAMIEL: Hiya Sweetheart!
(reminding us of Azazel!)

Wow, this scene was so painful.

MARY: He had yellow eyes!
SAM: Mom, what the hell did you get us into?

HUNTER: So you do trust them...

DEAN: When do you get off?
GIRL: Whenever I can?

Checking out Ramiel's house.

DEAN: I've had worse.
CASTIEL: Oh yeah? When?

CROWLEY: Like it or not, they're an asset we can't afford to lose.

CAS: Thank you. thank you.  Knowing you it's been the best part of my life.  And the things we've shared together, they have changed me.  You're my family.  I love you.  I love all of you.  Just, please, please, don't let my last moments be spent watching you die. Just RUN.  Save yourselves and  I will hold Ramiel off as long as I can

SAM: No...We are fighting.  We are fighting for you Cas.
DEAN: Like you said, we're family and we don't leave family behind.

Dean and Sam who are told by Ramiel that there is no cure for Cas :'(

Sam killing Ramiel with the lance also<3<3<3  Loved Ramiel's disapearing into smoke, laughing. Also, now we know what happened to the Colt... when did the boys lose it again? After trying to kill Lucifer in Abandon All Hope...? Mary not being able to speak up about the Colt, Dean "cutting her off" before she did... I am wondering if he and Sam were behind that window watching as she gave the colt to the BMoL. Someone was, right?  Also, now we know there are more Princes of Hell alive.  One has an interest in Lucifer's child. Also, now Crowley thinks Dean and Sam are hiding the Colt.  This is going to come to a confrontation, and Mary is going to have to confess.

poll, spn, supernatural season 12, thoughts, screencaps, spn episodes

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