Outlander 2-8 The Fox's Lair Thoughts

May 29, 2016 23:51

OK that was an interesting episode?

I pretty much loved the whole first part of the ep in Lallybroch - seeing Jamie and Claire being all sweet and touchy AND HAPPY.  And then of course a reminder of the loss of their own little baby in the scene where Jamie takes care of Jenny's bairne.  Such a beautiful scene.

The scene between Claire and Jamie outside I confess I was more interested in how good Jamie looked with one leg up on that log in thought. :D  I can't help but think that he could have refused to help the Prince somehow - renounce his allegence.  Couldn't he still have fought to stop this war from Scotland?  Even having read the book and been convinced of the necessity then,  I wasn't completely convinced this time of the fact that Jamie had no choice but to fight.

I enjoyed seeing Fergus on that donkey LOL and Jamie deciding to take him as well as that speech about doing what his superior officer says and his General <3 That was adoreable.

The scenes on Fraser lands were not as engaging but interesting on the whole.

I felt for Jamie in trying to convince his grandfather to join without any funds from the French government - what an impossible task, even without Colum.

That scene with Laoghaire - all the scenes with her made me uncomfortable but especially the one in the hallway where she kneels to gain Claire's forgiveness.  I seriously could not watch that whole scene properly.  Claire was obviously right not to trust her, but it probably would have been more to her advantage to at least pretend and be a bit cooler on the outside. But thinking of Claire's personality, she is also not someone to hide or pretend, I guess.

Laoghaire trying to do what Claire suggested was laughable, but I guess it worked, made Young Simon think that he had to be more manly LOL  Laogohaire is sure to cause more trouble, and maybe sooner rather than later.   None of these Laoghaire scenes are in the books so they may have changed the story a bit to include her.

I did love the scene where Jamie uses the White Lady rumor to his advantage again to protect Claire, and Claire ends up using it to stop Jamie from signing Lallybroch away.  I don't remember it being exactly that way in the books.  A sneaky old man, he is!  Sending his men with young Simon while making sure of his own disinvolvement!  I also loved the way Jamie welcomed young Simon on his own.

Some more on the various scenes -

Love the fox here in the beginning <3 Just as we saw the Heron at the beginning of last ep.  Showing the beauties of the Highlands.  Did they mention this ep that Old Simon Fraser was called the Old Fox? I don't remember it.  Maybe during that heated talk with Jenny?

Love this little bit about the potatoes! Claire had told Jenny to plant potatoes to save them from the famine that would come after Colloden.

Fergus talking about eating potatoes with salt and a bit of butter, Claire suggesting mashed with a bit of milk, Jamie acting surprised that Claire can cook <3

Jenny mentions Aunt Jocasta - important for future eps.

Jamie finding out that his name has been forged onto Prince Charles' letter.

The outside scene - Jamie rubbing his fingers now out of the cast<3

Let's just gaze at the scenery shall we? :D

Very pretty shot!

Love them bumping foreheads<3

Don't remember this scene... Possibly arguing with Jenny about the Old Fox.  Pretty Jamie.

Jamie telling Claire that his father was a bastard son of Simon Fraser and Claire telling him that it doesn't matter.

Jamie with the bairn<3

Claire reminded of Faith and how Jamie cannot hold her :'(

Jenny giving Jamie a rosary.  Pretty Jamie!

Again, like the way his hair blows up in the wind here.

Jamie with Fergus -

JAMIE: A good soldier must learn to obey his commanding officer...

JAMIE: As well as his General.

Jamie telling Claire that the Old Fox doesn't mind some decoration, just as long as it doesn't talk...

I like these shots of Jamie against the fire <3

Jamie telling the Old Fox about how Claire is La Dame Blanche

I liked that effect of him throwing the alcohol into the fire :D

Jamie talking with Colum.  Colum telling him not to "sell" Lallybroch, Jamie telling him he will do anything he had to to save what they both held dear.  I guess after this he had no choice but to go through with the signing if it weren't for Claire.

Young Simon stopping his father from trying to kill Claire.

Jamie showing his love? to Colum, possibly in the hopes that the McKenzies would join the cause?

JAMIE: I.. ah... told to thank you.  For what, I do not ken, but... thank you my lady.

LAOGHAIRE: I hope I can one day earn your forgiveness... (after Jamie has left) and your love.
Crazy lady.

This young Fraser looks so sick LOL  Poor guy.

Looking more like an army with the flag of House Lovat

thoughts, screencaps, season02, outlander

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