SPN 11-23 Alpha and Omega Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll!

May 27, 2016 00:58

I'd love to hear what you thought of this episode in the following poll and/or comments!!
Poll SPN 11-23 Alpha and Omega

What I thought -

Hehehehehe!!!!! I KNEW IT!!!  I am totally doing a jig I'm so happy! YESSSSS!!!  OH Dean was soooo pretty this episode.  Those green eyes looking up into the sun, the teary eyes as he said goodbye, the earnest eyes as he talked to Amara <3  And Sam trying to accept Dean's decision and OMG that KISS on mom's grave was sooooo pretty I cried and so SEXY... Yikes... I can't even. I'm just extremely happy that my prediction that Dean would have to be the one to make Amara see her error was right, and that he DID find a way to resolve it without killing her but we also did have that wonderful scene of Dean taking on the souls and saying goodbye to everyone.  I was laughing with all the sarcasm and funny in the first scenes, then crying in the heartbreaking farewell scenes.  And even though it was a bit sappy and it all being resolved just through a family talk between Chuck and Amara after all that might seem like a bit of a let down, I think that is what resolution is like.  All the in between stuff when you are hating each other and misunderstanding each other is so long and hard and painful, but a simple talk sometimes is enough to resolve it all.

They sure ended the episode with a cliffhanger even without Sam or Dean dead.  Well, I'm pretty sure Sam is not dead.  I'm assuming she shot him just so she could take him to her elders.  AND WHAT ON EARTH? MOM?!!!  Is she a ghost? Is she real? Why does she keep appearing in her nightie? Where was she all this time?  Very curious to see how this all goes from here.

I really really wanted to make some gifs, but it's going to have to be tomorrow.  It's getting way too late.

So can I start from the beginning and go through it all? Can I? Can I?!*hops up and down with puppy dog eyes*

First scene YAY Cas is back!  VERY INTERESTING that Cas says Amara took Lucifer away - not that she killed him.  Which means we might see him again?? Unfortunately, Chuck feels like a bug on a windshield.

Then Rowena comes in - love Dean with his gun ready <3 If only Sam had been quicker with his later :(

ROWENA: So that was a gun in your pocket.

CROWLEY: That was a complete and utter dog’s breakfast
CAS: I didn’t know dogs had breakfast.
DEAN: Cas is back.
It seems stupid after all these years and after Metatron filled Cas in that Cas still has these lines, but honestly, I was just glad to hear it and "know" that Cas was back. I'll talk about why that is in quotation marks later.

(Pretty Dean looking at the sun <3)
Second scene in the bunker - Crowley with his whiskey and Dean with his beer, Sam not giving up<3 Does that remind you of when Cas was going crazy with Leviathan?  

DEAN: How are we supposed to fix the freak'n SUN?

Sam saddened by Dean giving up :(

Cas puzzled? He doesn't really try to convince Dean any particular way either.  Strange? Meaningful?

Cas’ attitude as a whole was rather interesting. While everyone else was reacting somehow to what had happened, Cas didn't say anything. He was kind of just observing everyone. He doesn’t have any reaction toward God, his DAD, he doesn’t react toward Dean drinking or to Sam wanting to do something, he just kind of goes along with Dean to keep him company. I didn't feel any "soul" - not until that hug at the grave yard, at least. That started bothering me on the second and third watches. I could blame it on the writers and I guess think of it as “Cas is back” but even dorky Cas had passion. That's why he decided to take Lucifer in in the first place. Maybe he’s just too tired to think after being possessed by Lucifer for so long. Wait. Do you think Lucifer could still be in Cas and pretending again?... nah…*is not sure*

Love Rowena calling God Charles and giving him tea, Crowley being disgusted and telling Chuck that she's just sucking up to him<3

Rowena staying to help them was a bit puzzling to me, but maybe she was out of options now that her witch friends were dead?  I thought for sure she'd take those souls and run LOL I was also interested in everyone staying together and drinking in that bar as they waited for some result to their plan. I mean, if things didn't go as planned, they would be dying together right? Was that a memorable bar? The bar that Crowley took Demon!Dean for example? Was Crowley feeling sentimental toward Dean? I think Rowena's gone soft too now. Maybe the attack did something to her...

Crowley talking to Chuck and his "I'm not calling you Dad" was funny :D

SAM: If we can't cage her, we have to kill her.
Love them all calling to Chuck to hurry and tell them about Amara's weakness, Love Crowley's "Now he tells us," when he tells them about how she could be killed by strong light :D

Dean and Cas' talk in the car was good too, although as I mention several times, the sappy lines about family in every single scene are a bit too much.

DEAN: You are the best friend we've ever had... You are our brother, Cas.  I want you to know that.

Dean's legs wrapped around Baby's wheel, and the sound of Baby's engine were very welcome additions to the scene<3

SAM: Chuck is dying... No offense, God....
(Like how he puts his hands together like that when he says "no offense" - like he's praying.)

(Sam is so happy to get everyone moving on his plan B!)

Sam and Dean's ghost hunt scene was NICE <3  Love me a little action! Dean mimicking Rowena was HILAROUS <3

DEAN: Just say the magic word

Sam gives bitch face <3

Sam and Dean looking into one of the rooms of the building... Love it when they do that.

That was a pretty awesome scene.

SAM: Go magic word.
The magic word LOL!  I'm assuming this is just for collecting souls and not for sending them anywhere so they can't use that on ghost hunts normally.  Can't have it be that easy can we? The idea that one simple magic word (like please? or I'm sorry?) can do so much, though, is again part of the theme of the last two episodes I guess.

Billy watches them leave and follows, I guess

Amara has her talk with the old lady while Billy shows herself at the bunker and collects the souls from the veil for them.
Finally another puzzle resolved. If you think about it though, those souls, if they had been used as a blomb, could not have gone to heaven or hell either.  Maybe they would have just become nothing?  Kind of feel a bit sorry for those souls being used without their concent.   I had a brief thought when Dean was talking about ghosts that they should just have a seance and ask if any ghosts would like to volunteer (LOL)  Here's another thought.  I think I know how they can avoid being thrown into the nothing by Billy if they ever died.  They just have to refuse to go with her and they can become vengeful spirits instead :P

I remember wondering if Billy was going to make an appearance this ep.  VERY interesting that she helped them with the souls.  I guess she didn't want to reap God just yet.  But... it's a little weird that they keep on being able to see her, when you're not supposed to be able to unless you're close to death - I guess we can use the argument that they are all close to death in a sense, but that doesn't account for that time Dean saw her in the entrance to hell, nor the time in Season 8 when Sam and Dean talked to that rouge reaper.  Canon has been changed a while ago I guess.

Anyway, pretty souls swirling around Billy<3

Everyone including Sam looks at Dean when Cas says that someone who has a "personal connection" has to take the bomb to Amara.

Then Dean is told how he will carry the bomb inside of him and that he would essentially be dying for the cause.
Dean his eyes wide and teary but ready to do his duty as usual, while Sam looks on not able to say anything *ouch*

Dean as he understands he's not coming back from this...

Sam as HE understands...

The scene by Mary’s grave...Sam with his "You don't have to do this." Dean and his "Of course I do."  , the beautiful cherry blossoms...cherry blossoms being symbolic of the shortness of life... MY HEART.

SAM: You don't have to do this.

DEAN: Of course, I do.

SAM: You know if that bomb goes off...
DEAN: I know.
(Love these faces<3<3)
I thought it was a bit weird they were at Mary’s grave to say goodbye, Sam kissing the grave was beautiful but a bit surprising as well<3 as was Dean asking to be buried there, but, this was all showing how they both felt about their mother and leading to her appearance in the story I guess.

(note to self: I will get a gif of Dean walking in the raining cherry blossoms.)
The goodbye scene around the car there also really reminds me of Sam saying goodbye to Cas, Bobby and Dean before going in to face Lucifer in Season 5. Interesting when I think of it that way, the difference in Cas’ response :P He’s grown up a bit for sure, part of it thanks to Sam in First Born <3<3 Love that hug (and hope that was not Lucifer).

DEAN: Be sure he doesn't do anything stupid.  Thank you for everything.

DEAN: ...Gary Busey reading the eulogy...
SAM: Done.

DEAN: As for my ashes, I'd like them here.  You know, as far as eternal resting places go...

SAM: You love chickflicks.
DEAN: Yeah, you're right I do.  Come'ere.
(Sam's smile here... :'()

Love this garden and the sky showing through the arches <3

Of course Amara can see the power Dean has. Now that I think about it a little, I'd have loved to see Dean shining with the power of all those souls too, like she did. It also really reminds me of Cas and the power he had with all the souls from Purgatory.

DEAN: Maybe there's a different way.  Put aside the rage, put aside the hate, and tell me.  What do you want?
Dean's little sermon about revenge and family. Amara knew by then what he was talking about, having talked with the old lady, but it isn't until  this "What do you want?" that she really changes and decides to try to make things right with Chuck.

The talk between Chuck and Amara is a bit anticlimactic, but still well done. The “I just want to be family again” by Amara reminds me of Dean in Season 1.

Chuck finally feels loved as Amara tells him that his creation is beautiful <3

Dean watches as the sun becomes bright again -

And Sam also watches, "knowing" that Dean is dead... :'(

Loved Chuck's talk with Dean, though, telling him that the World will be alright as long as they have Sam and Dean.

Not quite sure what Amara thought giving Dean his mom, but we will see.  Nice effects for the intertwining darkness and light<3

So Sam now thinks Dean is DEAD.  Just like Dean thought Sam was dead in Red Meat aye?

His angsty face while they looked at the powered up sun was painful as well as when he told Tony that Dean was dead.

Cas telling Sam that he was there if Sam needed anything felt rather strange again, I don't know why.

Tony from the British Chapter not listening to Sam and shooting him was quite a shocking scene.  I'm assuming Sam will be taken to the elders or will somehow convince Tony to change her mind while being taken.  I have to say a bit about this woman as well, who, like Henry, left her little boy asleep without saying goodbye.

Family again.  I'm sure this is going to come into play in Season 12. I hope she doesn't die and that poor boy left all alone. I really really hope that Sam and Dean find each other really soon.  I couldn't bear too much of Sam wandering without caring because his brother is gone while Dean ... What on earth is he going to do? take mom along to find Sam? (I just had an image of Dean and Mary finding Sam and Sam thinking he was dead LOL)  I bet Mary is going to have a hand in convincing her - mother to mother.

The British chapter of the Men of Letters also reminds me of Dean's submarine trip. I wonder if that has anything to do with Tony coming after them here.

There is no mistaking though that the family theme is going to be carried over into Season 12. I'm not quite a fan of them bonking us over the head with it with so many sappy lines in one ep, to be completely honest, but I did like the the way it was proven through actions: like Tony's kiss for her sleeping boy, and Sam's kiss on his mother's grave(parallel <3). I really like that kind of subtle (well, more subtle) way of making a point.

It's not like any season finale we've ever had before but it really needed to change and the ep is good enough that I am enjoying multiple rewatches. They've also ended it with too much mystery to have to wait a whole hiatus for.  Which I think means they've done a pretty good job.

I am DYING for Season 12!!

poll, spn, supernatural season 11, thoughts, screencaps, spn episodes

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