Outlander 2-2 Not in Scotland Anymore Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll :)

Apr 18, 2016 00:46

Tell me what you thought of this episode in the following poll and/or comments!!
Poll Outlander 2-2 Not in Scotland Anymore
My thoughts -

This was a hilarious episode!  There were a few angsty scenes due to Jamie's PTSD - and honestly, I could not bear to watch the "actual" love scene because of it.  Of course the last scene when Claire finds out that Black Jack Randall is alive was very painful as well.  But most of the epiosde was very entertaining.  I'd just been thinking today of how I couldn't keep watching this show without the humor I had enjoyed in the books, but they are doing a marvelous job with it this season!  The meeting with Master Raymond, the appearance of Mary Hawkins, Claire's red dress and large fan LOL

Jamie and Murtagh's meeting with Prince Charlie at the brothel was very tense but the scene where Murtagh and Jamie describe him to Claire was hilarious :D  And the girl that Jamie fought over during his previous stay in France!  I loved that scene - the friction between her and Claire and imagining sweat running down Jamie's back, Murtagh having a laguh, LOL!

The alcove scene with the French Minister of Finance OH MY! LOL!  Loved Jamie flinging the guy into the pond, and subsequently becoming friends!  The Minister's wig completely devoid of curls as he puts it on in front of the King ... I couldn't help but think that he looked so much better without it :D  Loved Jamie also suggesting porridge to the King.

Both Jamie and Claire looked wonderful this episode.  I took many pictures of their various expressions.

Here are some of those scenes:

CLAIRE: I will endeavor to be sloppier in my personal habits.
SERVANT: Oh madame, that would make me so happy.

(I always really enjoy this kind of frame within a frame <3)

MASTER RAYMOND: And since he (Count Germaine) is your enemy as well, you must, in point of fact, be my friend.
CLAIRE: Thank you.  I could use a friend.

MURTAGH: I'll find him (Prince Charlie), I swear it.
JAMIE: And then what? His death will still leave his father for us to deal with.  You propose we do away with James as well?  Is your longing for home worth the murder of a prince and a king?

(Jamie gets a letter re the meeting with Prince Charlie)

JAMIE: You asked for words of truth and the truth is what I gave you.

PRINCE CHARLIE: I cannot be received at court, but you...  You can go in my place.

PRINCE CHARLIE: Be my advocate for rebellion...
JAMIE: I will, Sire.

MURTAGH: The man is a blockhead, and a dangerous one at that.  He'll get us all killed if we don't stop him.
JAMIE: I wouldn't trust the man with Lallybroch's vegetable patch.
JAMIE: ...Charles listens only to God.

CLAIRE: Poor thing.  It's a shame she has to be caged up.
LOUISE: ...The bite of the man is desirable.  But the bite of the monkey, not so much.

JAMIE: First your honeypot... and then this?

JAMIE: Could cover up a bit.
CLAIRE: Oh I've already thought of that.

ANNALISE: When I knew him, he had quite the appetite for the blades.
CLAIRE: Hmmmm. Did he?

JAMIE: It was just one duel.  One very small, insignificant duel.  As I recall, I merely scratched my opponent.

(Love Murtagh having fun with that little scene :D)

JAMIE: Paris... I told you that dress would bring us grief.

JOSEPH DUVERNEY:Perhaps there is some way I can be of service?
Maybe not so much grief afterall? ;)

Joseph Duverney with his silly wig :P

DUKE OF SANDRINGHAM: Will you ever forgive me?
JAMIE: What's done is done.

(Reminded of that last time Claire went to the Duke to get the pardon. Very interesting relationship these two...)

poll, thoughts, screencaps, outlander

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