11-16 Safe House Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll!

Mar 25, 2016 03:31

Hey y'all!  Tell me what you thought of this week's episode in the poll and/or comments!
Poll SPN 11-16 Safe House Poll
This is what I thought - (by the way, I just finished this at 3:30 in the morning, so I'm sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes :P)

I really enjoyed this episode! Of course there were less Sam and Dean scenes because of the Bobby and Rufus scenes, but they really wove those together so well<3 and Bobby's love for the boys and the boys love for each other, and Dean seeing Bobby at the end<3 the awesome fight scene between Sam and Dean (I really really need some more fight scenes - and next time not between Sam and Dean, please.)

OK, there's just too much to talk about so I'm starting at the beginning.

I really enjoyed the first MoTW scene.  It reminded me so much of Season 1 - especially Home, and as soon as I saw that girl in her bedroom I thought, yay<3 one more scene for my Bedroom Monsters vid that I've been putting off!  And of course it wasn't just a ghost.  As soon as I saw the red under the wallpaper, and heard the scream, I'd pretty much guessed what had happened.

Very interesting how Dean is so impatient and Sam's like, let's hunt because we can't find anything right now.  Very reminiscent of Season 1, where Sam being so impatient to find the monster who killed Jess and Dean telling him it's going to be a longhaul... Is this going to be a longer arch than just one season then? That would be nice for a change.
The ep seems to stress 3 things constantly.  1) meanwhile we hunt, 2) we can't save everyone (but we can always hope), and 3) a hunt never turns out to be easy :D  Funny thing is, even though Dean is sure it is not going to be an easy hunt, because when is it EVER, but he's the one that's hoping so hard that it is and keeps trying to take the easy route, which of course ends up being the long route.  

So going on, Sam and Dean get to the hospital  and have that little talk with the mom (her name was interesting - Japanese last name, but her first name Neoki actually means "just woke up" in Japanese.  You think they did that on purpose?  Also gay family <3  I thought it was a bit strange that Sam and Dean don't ask to see the handprint on the girl's leg.

But they ask to see the house and find out from the neighborhood watch neighbor that Bobby and Rufus had been here ... 5or 6 years ago(a handful of years) I guess :)  And then we get our first flashback <3  And they really pulled it off wonderfully!  I was worried that they were going to look way older but it wasn't noticeable at all.  I loved Rufus being so grouchy and Bobby being all apologetic!

YAY! Back to BOYS.  I love their faces!   Their EMF meters are going off like crazy and Sam goes right into the room with the wall/wallpaper but doesn't notice the sigil yet.

Then we get another flashback of Rufus and Bobby in the house, getting almost exactly the same information as Sam and Dean did at the hospital.

And Sam and Dean get the same Motel room as Bobby and Rufus (Yay for set people :D)
They have Bobby's journal with them!  but it doesn't tell them anything of that particular case.  And both teams are arguing over what it is!  Bobby's the one that wants the hunt to be easy because he wants to get back to "saving the world."

LOVE Bobby using a digger to dig up the graves!!  while Dean is wishing there was some other way than by shovel!

BOBBY: I'm worried about my boys Rufus
RUFUS: Your boys? OK, ok Papa Bear... Oldest rule of hunting Bobby, you can't save everyone.

The mom gets taken by the Soul Eater and Sam and Dean talk with the doctor from the previous case.  And we get another flashback in order to get the whole story. They go visit the previous mom and she tells them about the wallpaper and her "coma dream" where she sees her husband, dead, as well as the other people stuck there.  They go  back to the house and finally find the sigil.

LOVE the research scenes!  Looking at the tops of their heads<3  Sam and Dean using the internet while Bobby and Rufus are using books<3  By the way, anyone also think that  Soul Eaters are very much like the monster in Something Wicked as well?  It could be that those kids in comas in Something Wicked actually had dreams too... hmmm... I think I might have gotten an idea for my fic ;D

DEAN: How about Mary seeing her dead husband and her son?
SAM: Apparently the nest messes with their victims' heads - shows them the things they love, parts of their soul in distress.  It keeps the victim's soul vulnerable.
I'm noting this conversation because of what Bobby and Dean go through and Sam's line at the end<3<3

Back to Bobby and "I think I've faced one of these "souleaters" before."  Bobby and Rufus talking about Harv and how Bobby couldn't save him - Rufus again with "the oldest rule."  I love seeing it from them just like we've seen it with the boys so many times<3

I love how the information of the Men of Letters helps Sam and Dean find a way to actually kill it!  AND, I love the idea of it being the sigil (almost the same as the first one to trap it) in the nest, and in the real world.  LOVE Dean's "Not It!" and the rock scissors paper again!!  LOL!!! and this time he loses :D

BOBBY: If memory serves, things are about to get hairy.
RUFUS: You wanna hold my hand?
BOBBY: Keep paintin' Picaso.
Oh man Rufus is soooo slooooow with the painting!  And he goes to check on Bobby when he should have JUST KEPT PAINTING.

AND, Sam does the same thing, taking the time to drag Dean over to him.  But I also love the switching between Bobby and Dean here!

DEAN: Come and get me you son-of-a- bitch.
BOBBY: Get away from me you son-of-a-bitch.
And then Dean sees Sam dead.... and his face, but he knows that he should have expected that so he just closes his eyes and walks away *chest squeeze*  It's a bit harder for Bobby when he sees Sam and Dean dead :'(

Very interesting how the Soul Eater uses Bobby and Dean's bodies to attack Rufus and Sam!  And as I said earlier, loved to see a fight scene, even if it is between the boys <3

SE!DEAN: Can't let you finish that finger paintin' boy.
(Is it just me that loves the way he says "boy"?! :D<3)
I also love that the Soul Eater suggests it can keep them safe from the Darkness - and I guess it could, because they wouldn't be in the same dimention... but they'd wither and die in the outside world anyway.  Interesting that it's gotten smarter than when Bobby and Rufus trapped it though.

SE!DEAN: I know your brother wants to go to the darkness.  He needs to go.  But I can keep you safe.  Both of you. Forever.

Love that Dean and Bobby see each other here<3<3 Bobby doesn't say it, but I know he did <3

So.. you think those "sad" or "sick" people are the ones that died in the outside world and so their souls are released to go wherever, while the souls of the living go back into their bodies?  A good explanation here would explain why the kids got well in Something Wicked too.

RUFUS: Forget the oldest rule, Bobby.
BOBBY: You getting soft on me, Rufus?
And Rufus smiles at all the happy people they saved awwww<3
The bottle of Johnny from Rufus, and the phone call from Dean awwww<3

And Bobby and Sam and Dean are all listening to the same music on the classics station - The Allman Brothers :D

SAM: What else did you see?
DEAN: I saw you, dead on the floor.
SAM: Huh!
DEAN: What?
SAM: How messed up are our lives that you seeing a vision of dead me is actually kind of comforting?

Meaning, it's nice to have confirmation that Dean loves you?  The quote from before is -

...the nest messes with their victims' heads - shows them the things they love, parts of their soul in distress.  It keeps the victim's soul vulnerable.

WAIT.  Was he worried that Dean might have seen the Darkness? ...a ha...  very good to know.

One more thing I have to mention... Why do you think the title is "Safe House"?  Is this going to have meaning for them in the future? Something about going to another dimention to keep safe?  It kind of ties in with what the Soul Eater said to Sam, right? That going into the nest would keep them safe?

poll, spn, supernatural season 11, thoughts, screencaps, spn episodes

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