11-12 Don't You Forget about Me Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll :D

Feb 05, 2016 00:36

So what did you think of this episode? I'd love to hear it in the following poll and/or comments :)

Poll SPN 11-12 Don't You Forget About Me Poll

This is what I thought -

It was AMAZING! :D I thought it was very well made, and I enjoyed it both for the excellent humor and suspense.

I'm just going to start right at the beginning. The little scene between Sam and Dean about the donut-hamburger-sandwich thingy called "The Elvis" was awesome!

I love seeing Sam and Dean talk about their different tastes in food (And DEAN'S FACE!!! ).
Although, it did remind me of the sad fact that Dean has stopped cooking in that kitchen of theirs. He should be reminded that he makes a damn fine hamburger (that SAM LIKES even) himself.

DEAN: There are starving children out there.
SAM: I'm not going to survive hundreds of monster attacks to get flatlined by some double doughnut monstrosity...
Love that gloriously happy face by Dean as he shows Sam the "sandwich" and Sam's "How many calories does that thing have?"  :D I personally would not want to try this sandwich either... Looks very unappetizing to me.

Going on, hearing that there is nothing on Amara or Cas (Lucifer) Dean is happy to head on over to Sioux Falls when he gets a call from Claire.

I loved seeing Jody Mills all happy in the car as she waits for Alex, who is now going out with the most popular guy in the school. I did like his sense of humor - he sure acted the part perfectly, didn't he? But he did look a bit vampire-ish too.

Then, as they drive up the driveway and see the Impala, "I didn't send out the bat signal" LOL :D

The hug scene, you'll notice that Sam goes down for the hug, while Dean makes Jody come up :D  I think Dean has a complex about his height...

I ADORED the dinner scene. I loved how they pitched the all girl household with the Winchester brothers. That was just an amazing idea. Jody is basically raising the girls on her own and sometimes she just wants a male father figure to reinforce her "lessons" - while Sam and Dean grew up without the female figure in the family so find it amazing - especially the food :D But they also feel a bit uncomfortable with Jody's request.

The thing that was soooo funny was SAM, eating just as messily as DEAN! Food spilling from his mouth *LOL forever* and the GIRLS just watching them with open mouths, like "who are these barbarians?"!!!

DEAN: You guys eat like this everyday?

Then the guys find out that not only does Claire not have any clear evidence, but he has been making a lot of mistaken calls with her obsession with hunting. A werewolf that turned out to be a rabid dog, a vampire who was doing Cosplay, but the guy they show her holding a sword to at the beginning of the show was clean as well and wanted to sue. When Alex tells Claire that she'd rather talk about real life, Claire gets back at her by mentioning Alex's "plan" to have some hot sex with her boyfriend, at which time the Winchesters are like... hmmm... maybe we'd better leave and Jody makes the STOP, SIT!

Love that they just sit down and she goes right into the birth control pills she saw in Alex's bag -

SAM: Oh we're going there...
and tries to get the guys to give her some backup on enforcing condom usage.. ... OH MY GAWWWWD LOL!!! Their faces as they pretend not to have heard her properly.....!!!!

DEAN: This is fun!
CLAIRE (laughs)

DEAN: Nice ambush in there.
DEAN: I thought we were going to be helping you with monsters, not birth control.
I also loved Dean helping Jody with the clean up and listening to her talk about her troubles with Alex and Claire. He promises to get Sammy to talk to Claire because he's better at the whole talking thing and then Sam does. It's a bit sad that they discredit Claire right away without looking into it at all... If Sam had agreed to go with Claire to those peoples houses, that would have been really nice, but he just gives her a lecture about (1) not trying to run from her issues by hunting, (2) enjoy home and school life while she can because monsters stay around forever.

I do like Sam and Dean both giving an effort to get through to Claire about her attitude toward Jody and how important family is.

DEAN: Nobody wants to go to school, Claire. It's school!
CLAIRE: Exactly.

ALEX: We're going to hang out I guess...
DEAN: Hang out huh...
I also LOVE Dean staring the boyfriend down, Alex rolling her eyes at him, and Claire just LOVING IT :DD

CLAIRE: Oh yeah, he got the message.
DEAN: Damn right he did.
CLAIRE: I'm sure.

Dean and Sam going down the halls was very nice imagery. I liked the long view down the hall as well. And of course Sam knows instinctively that the janitor is a bit off.

The scene of Alex with her boyfriend is quite spooky when you think about it with the knowledge that the boyfriend is actually a vampire... He is acting his part waaaaay too well, it's gross. I was listening to the scene at the beginning thinking, if he really did know what she had done, he'd probably dump her, but then in reality he's done stuff that is literally just as bad. The important thing though is that we find out how much her past is still bothering Alex and how much she is blaming herself for all the deaths.

Sam does some research and finds out that the janitor is not who he says he is so Sam and Dean go to talk to him while Claire and Jody go to talk to her college registrar to see if she can re-enroll.

I love how Sam and Dean both give Claire "the look" and make her go - and I also LOVE how they look at Jody after Claire stomps away.

The surprise attack on Claire and Jody by the vampire was totally freaky! My nose was literally stuck to the computer as I watched on a tiny screen on my photoshop!) Both Jody and Claire unable to do anything and Jody just barely calling Dean before she and Claire are taken. The suspense of this scene was incredible and OUCH when Jody gets her leg broken!! :O

Dean and Sam turn up at Jody's to find them gone except for Jody's phone and I just loved Dean getting so upset <3 Dean goes to pick up Alex to make sure she's OK and Sam goes to look for a hint of where they've been taken.

So Alex is attacked by her vampire boyfriend and also taken to the building at the school that was closed down due to asbestos - (asbestos was found on the victim math teacher, and helps Sam and Dean find out where they are.) Dean keeps finding those phones!

I do love that Claire finds out that Alex doesn't really hate her after all and that she would have given her life for Claire. Poor Sam gets beaten up pretty badly :(  ... But then he's standing pretty well at the end there, so I guess it wasn't that bad? (LOL)

But I loooove that scene of Dean walking in the dark! He looks like a superhero <3

And of course Claire did her part as well and the look between her and Alex was pretty neat.  It sort of reminded me of Alex killing her vamp-mom for Jody. I didn't quite understand how the guy stayed still for Alex to punch and Claire to chop up... Why he didn't run, I have no idea. I guess we can put it down to him being a psychopath :P The most popular boy in school with an evil streak.

The scene of Alex and Claire working together to make breakfast for Jody was really sweet, as well as Jody being all embarrassed!

JODY: Guys stop looking at me like that. I feel like Tiny Tim!

JODY: That's what's scary about family.  It gives you so much to lose.
Each of these three has gone through that all that with their first family already :'(

Claire tells Dean excitedly that Jody is going to teach her how to do proper research and Dean looks a bit disappointed that Claire is still intent on hunting.

CLAIRE: I solemnly swear not to hunt like a dumbass.  ... She thinks I'm going to get myself killed.

Jody gives Sam and Dean the rib dinner they were going to have the night before and Sam and Dean are excited to have two containers of sauce - one for each LOL!


Claire can't believe that Alex will go back to school on Monday after almost being slaughtered, and Alex tells Claire that just as Claire won't give up hunting, so Alex won't give up on having that normal life.

CLAIRE: You don't have to leave to protect us.

ALEX:That's not why.  I can't be around what you all are doing - the things you're fighting.
(I love the wind on their hair <3)
Alex, after all the blood and gore she has been through,just wants to have a normal life. Claire, on the other hand, sees nothing in normal life. Which is probably why Alex said she hated Claire in the first place. She probably could not understand Claire's obsession with the supernatural, just as Claire could not understand the enjoyment Alex got out of the "normal life."  Now, they respect each other's choices.

JODY: As long as everyone wears a condom, we'll be fine.
DEAN: I want that bumpersticker.

The three looking after Sam and Dean as a family <3

I don't think I missed anything important this time :D

Hope I get to read some of your posts tomorrow or Saturday!  I'll be out all day again with trials but I'll be working on my review of 7-3 as well.  I think I might be able to get it out on time. YAY.

poll, spn, supernatural season 11, thoughts, screencaps, spn episodes, gifs

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