More Snow Pics and New Classroom pics

Jan 19, 2016 22:29

I'm sure you all have had enough of snow, but Alex took some pictures on his walk yesterday that were quite nice so I'm upping those along with some others. Plus - I took some pictures of our still empty new classroom. I'll take another when we get the walls up inside.

We were busy taking some necessary things over to the classroom today. A stove, and some kids tables and chairs. There's a whole bunch more stuff we need to buy or take over by February 2, when we start our trial classes *fingers crossed*

Alex's pictures at the park we flew kites at a couple of weeks ago :)

Plum blossoms are so pretty in the snow!

A path through the bamboo forest

Benches covered in snow!

Sun through the trees

Blue sky and moon

One of the characteristics of snow in Japan is that everyone comes out and starts shovelling snow off the sidewalk as well as their own plot.  The sidewalk is always kept clean by the people in the homes along it.

Someone(s) from our apartment shoveled the snow for this path to the main road.

Everyone shoveled the snow near their own car in the shared parking lot of our apartment.  Hubby also went out to clear a path for our car.  He had sore arms today ;)

One of our new teachers married a Japanese girl and just experienced his first snow shoveling day yesterday.  He told me he felt like he was part of the neighborhood - since everyone was out shovelling.

The mountains today.   It was a beautiful day today but Mt. Fuji is hiding under that cloud.  It must be snowing there.

Took a dawn picture again.  It was so beautiful <3

A snowman that some kids made on our apartment plot.

Our new classroom from the outside.

and from the inside

We just got this nice new carpetting.

sky, winter, work, my day

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