Stupid me

Jun 30, 2015 23:14

You know how I said I don't want to think of how you think of me? Well, that doesn't mean I don't.

My first post for Season 6. After all the excitement of the quizzes, suddenly scared you all were going to just dump me now that Season 5 was finished. And surprise of surprises I get no reaction to the poll for hours after posting. I'm thinking, right. I've got to change the way I think about this. I've always done the reviews for my own enjoyment. So, who cares if no one answers the poll? No big deal. But it hurt, because I really enjoyed what we had going and suddenly I was wondering if I was going to be doing Season 6 all alone. I was pretty messed up all day... until several wonderful friends came in and answered the poll. I know, right? Stupid to get all worked up, and stupid to even doubt you guys.

But I just wanted to say thank you <3

thank you!, spread some love

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