Outlander 1-15 Wentworth Prison Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll :)

May 18, 2015 00:28

I'd love it if you could tell me what you thought of the episode in the following poll and/or comments!

Poll Outlander 1-15
These are my thoughts...

Hmmmmm.... First of all, I laughed when they ended it where they did.  That was SWEEEET!   I get it.  A book can end on a happy note but I guess a TV season cannot.  But I laughed.  That was just so funny.

The first noose scene, I like the way Jack Randall comes into the courtyard like a "white knight" and Jack Randall and Jamie look at eachother as Jamie is led away.

I think my most favorite scene was of Claire in Sir Fletcher's office (first time)  as she tries to pretends she is a friend of the family, but her face is just so pleading  and when Sir Fletcher goes out to get the box, she goes into a kind of panic attack and then receiving the box - the way we see the snake carving from William, Jamie's brother, the up close of Claire clutching the box... and then as Claire comes out the gates and Murtagh is there to support her as she gags and carries her back to the inn - that was a beautiful scene.

At the inn - other McKenzies get information from the prison guards by gambling with them while Claire and Murtagh are disgusted with them for not caring about Jamie.

While that's happening, Jack Randall is suggesting to Jamie an alternative to being hanged.  The catch being that Jamie has to surrender to him.  This talk was a bit too long for me.  I will have to confess to skipping bits of it as I watched.

Jamie pretends to agree and then attacks Randall as he comes close to look at Jamie's back.  But it's two against one, with the not too bright servant on Jack's side and the servant almost kills Jamie.  Jack can't have that, so he stops him and instead punishes Jamie by breaking the bones of his fingers.   I knew this was coming so I did hide my eyes for it.   I did like Jamie's murderous face below though as he waited for Jack to get close enough to attack, and I also liked the scene where Jack cradled Jamie's face and told him to look at him after Jack broke Jamies fingers.

Jack is tempted to take Jamie there and then, but he restrains himself.  This part below where Jack collects himself was very well done.

Jack leaves, and Claire finds Jamie alone.  She tries to free him, but Jack comes back and now she is also threatened with rape by the none so bright and pretty disgusting servant.  Claire's super powers here as she flings the servant and Jack Randall both were amazing.  I have no idea where she got such strength all of a sudden!

I can't forget to mention that Jamie here gets a stick and kills the stupid servant as well.  Claire's super powers seem to have been limited to two pushes and Jack is soon able to stop the rampage by choking Claire, which of course stops Jamie.  Jamie begs Jack to stop hurting Claire and tells Jack that he will surrender to him as he wanted.

That was bad enough, but Jack wants Jamie to prove it to him.  He gets Jamie to lay his broken hand on the table and pounds a nail into it while Claire watches.  Not only was that a gross scene worthy of skipping for me, but it also felt a bit weird with Claire being free, but powerless to save Jamie.  The last scene where Jamie tells Jack to take her away, Claire resisting and telling Jamie she can't leave, and Jack dragging her away was an awesome scene.

Jack tells Jamie he will be back, and Jamie waits for him to take Claire away...

This face by Jack Randall as Claire tells him his destiny is an awesome shot!

Also Jack touching Jamie's back and kissing it... I understood WHY he was doing that in his sick perverted love for pain and domination.  This scene was very well done as well.

Meanwhile Claire gets out of Wentworth and finds her clansman without problem, and he takes her to the house of MacRannoch, where she pleads for him to help them in rescuing Jamie.  He refuses, she gives him the pearl necklace as payment, which he refuses but also noting that those were what he had given Ellen as a wedding present and that he would do what he could to help, just not anything that would jeapardize his whole family.

One of his servants comes back from searching for some cows 20 or so that were missing, and Murtagh now has an idea as to how to rescue Jamie.

The End.  Dun Dun!
OK, that's still funny.  But, the episode may have been better than I thought, now that I've gone through the scenes again with the pictures.   I'll make my rating a Good, I think.

Some book talk!

OK, I reread the book for these scenes and was surprised to find a lot of the episode to be very accurate.  The Sir Fletcher/Claire conversation was of course very accurate, Claire throwing up at the gates and Murtagh carrying her home was the same.  The conversation between Jack and Claire/Jamie in the scene with them together was also the same.  I hadn't remembered that he had pounded the nail in while Claire was there (I must have conveniently blocked it from my mind or skipped it) but it was - I do think it was a bit weird still, having seen them act it out.  Also, it was Jamie on his own who acted up and tried to fight Jack and the servant in the book.  Claire was desperately trying to stay out of the way all this time, as far as I can tell.  I was very glad MacRannoch was included in the episode, and the part about the pearls also included.

There was of course no hanging scene, and that long winded talk of Jack's with Jamie, also not in the book.  The thing that bugged me the most was the way Rupert was portrayed in the episode and before this.  He was a wonderful man in the book and they are ruining him.  It's very sad.  Also, some people might disagree, but I really wanted to see Claire fight the one eyed wolf. and find MacRannoch on her own.  I also had liked in the book how the MacKenzies (RUPERT!!!) had taken custody of the cows and they were able to use them as a bargening chip.

AHHH... poor Rupert.  May he rest in peace.

poll, thoughts, screencaps, outlander

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