Outlander 1-12 Lallybroch Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll!

Apr 27, 2015 09:46

So what did you think? Feel free to comment as well!
Poll Outlander 1-12 Lallybroch

What did I think?

I'd rate it as Good. It wasn't the best of episodes but it had one touching moment that I enjoyed and there were also some scenes we just had to get through even if we didn't enjoy them. I do have the tendency to shy away from conflict so there were just some scenes I had a hard time sitting through - like for example the reunion between Jenny and Jamie. Even knowing what was coming - and maybe because of it - it was hard to see Jamie think that Jenny's child was Black Jack's, and that she had named the child after him to spite him. I also felt very embarrassed for Jamie in his attempt to "pretend to be what he wasn't." It was a relief that Claire was able to get some pointers from Ian and turn him around at the end.

The scene between Black Jack and Jenny and the scene between Jack and Jamie were OK but no real emotion for me there.

The one scene I LOVED was the scene between Jamie and Jenny at the cemetery. The emotions going through Jenny there and Jamie's assurance that it was not her fault, that if it was anyone's fault it was all on Jack Randall - it was a beautiful scene.

And, of course the "I love you" scene.  Very important.

There are some scenes from the book that I would have loved to see added -

Jamie and Claire talking about their conflicting emotions at the stones. sireesanwar made some gifs of Jamie's lines and I was really looking forward to hearing them from his lips.

I loved the dog welcoming him home and Claire quoting from Ulysses - they showed a big dog, but it seemed to be by Ian all the time. In the book, they showed Jamie dealing with McNab right after he heard of it from Claire. Jamie's thunder on learning of the child being mistreated was awesome. There was no conflict about this with Jenny. I just really enjoyed that scene.

I REALLY REALLY liked the mill scene in the book with Grandma McNab!!! The herb talk with Claire, asking Claire to talk to Jamie about taking the boy in as a servant, and Grandma's banter with the soldiers!!! I REALY REALY liked the RED UNDERWEAR!!! And the scene where Jamie asked for his clothes was just hilarious!! I missed that.

And here are some spoilery thoughts on the next ep -

[Spoiler (click to open)]So. They are again really moving things along here. I'm guessing because they want ACTION!! *sighs* If only they'd just realize it was just as much or more of a love story than about action.

They have changed the Watch scene to being INSIDE the house rather than on the road?? And he is taken away right in front of Claire instead of while he is with Ian, which means the Watch doesn't get as much of a head start as in the book. I really wonder how they are going to do that. Looking forward to seeing Murtagh though!

poll, thoughts, screencaps, outlander, episode review

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