School Christmas Concert / Cookie Making

Dec 20, 2014 13:02

Well, now that I've almost finished the week - starting with the concert on Sunday and ending at 6:30 tonight with my last cookie making class, I guess I'm ready to post some pictures ;)

Around 30 students participated in the concert - from 2 years old to 11 years old.  They sang lots of Christmas songs and did a little Frozen puppet theatre.  I interviewed each student according to what they had learned.  The kids seem to have had fun :)

Some of the kids are looking to the right because that is where I am :D

This little snowflake song is soooo cute!  I wish I had video.

Interview time! What's your name?

Frozen play.  This was very difficult, but the kids did very well with their lines!

Christmas cookie making has been a tradition since my mom used to teach in the home in Japan all those years ago.  I have such good memories of these times that I wanted to do the same when I started teaching.  My mom used to use a sugar cookie recipe, but I use a simpler and non-runny recipe (so I can pile more cookies on one cookie sheet!).  It is a shortbread recipe and I always get students asking me for it.  It is so easy and so good.  5 cups flour, 2 cups butter and 1 cup brown sugar.  That's it.  I leave the butter out to soften and then kneed the ingredients until it makes one big ball of cookie dough.  Divide it up into 13 separate balls and I have dough for 13 kids.

They cut the cookies with the various christmas cutters, then decorate them with sprinkles and chocolate chips and nuts  and raisins - what ever they feel like piling on - then we bake them.  Here are some of the kids enjoying cookie making this year.

The boy on the left just made a whole bunch of tiny stars with one chocolate chip on each :D

Ready to pop in the oven!

Audrey participates in as many classes as she can.  She loves making Christmas cookies :)

While we waited for the cookies to bake, we put our stickers in our calendars.

All done!!

Ready to eat!

winter, japan, christmas, food

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