"Black liquored eyes, an arabian nightmare..."

Feb 14, 2005 01:25

Well, I moved some of my shit into the apartment. Oh, anxiety, fuckin hell. It looks good though, my room is pretty nice. I probably won't have the internet for a while, so I'll leave my phone number on the back door (at my parents house) so people lookin for me can call. I would leave it on here or aim, but chances are most of you have my number allready unless your just looking at this to see if I've said something bitchy about you. But then, if I said something mean about you, I'd be glad to say it right to you. Writing it on here just leads to akward phone calls.
Anyway, people have to come see my apartment. So, call me if you have it, my cell phone number hasn't changed since I got it years and years ago.
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