Wednesday night, my roommate Lindsay and I found this gem of a grocery list on the seat of the cab on the way to Smash Brothers Night at The Classy Apmt*
I'll forever wonder if they dropped it before or after they got their groceries... I'll try to transcribe some highlights, but honestly, all the fun is figure out wtf they actually meant. I also wonder if most of this makes no sense because I just haven't yet been to this awesome off-brand grocery store where everything sounds like a product you've heard of, but is 30% (and several letters) off. Here's the list
- Big columbo fat free vinalla vinnalla
- 2 break texture hearty
- 2 water spring water
- 2 toilet paper one to get
...And so much more to love in the img. I hope they found everything they were looking for.
*East coast division