Since I skipped Comic Talk, I am going to talk about comics here. Yay!
I know, I know, you don't read comics. I'm sorry your life has such a terrible void!
But we can fix you!
Comics, contrary to popular belief, are not just books with pictures in them!
They are, in some ways, comparable to movies in that they use pictures to tell a story. You like movies, right? Yay!
Except, unlike movies, comics are sort of like books too, because they are printed on paper and usually use words! You like books, right? Yay!
Now, imagine, if books and movies had a baby! Like it's parents, it would be a medium and not a genre, which means that it would be able to tell any kind of story you can think of!
That baby would be called a comic! Or a comic book! Or a graphic novel! Or manga! These all mean the same thing! Think of them as nicknames!
Except, some people would have you believe that cave drawings are sort of like comics, in that pictures tell a story. I don't necessarily agree, but, at the same time, comics are not really the baby of movies and books. That was just how I explained them.
Anyway, everything else is true though! It is a medium! They are not all about superheros which is not to insult the superhero (and in fact, some of the great classics of the comic form are in the superhero genre, which I do believe it is a genre within the wider comic medium, but not necessarily in the wider film or written mediums), but merely to express the vastness of the form.
Currently (as in those that are currently in-progress with issues regularly released), my favorites are
Atomic Robo (of which some issues can be sampled here, Secret Six, and, I'll be darned, Ultimate Spiderman. That last has never really left the list in the 8 years or so I've been reading, though it has tried, oh so hard. It was one of the first I ever picked up. Two years ago, which actually isn't a long time in the Comic World, Runaways would have been on that list, but it is slowly working it's way back up there, which is notable, because it is such a relief.
All-time favorites tend to fall more into the graphic novel format, which is just a fancy way of saying collected issues. That includes Sandman, Y:The Last Man, Pride, and Persepolis. These can actually be found at your local book store, usually near the Sci-fi/Fantasy section, whereas single issues only sometimes show up.
If I were to start writing about Comics more, would anyone be interested? This would include things like reviews, analysis, and maybe even fangirl theories, mostly to bring attention to Comics, simply because I love them and think everyone should read them, sometimes. I might also do a panel of the week thing, highlighting the best panel of the comics I read, because I usually show one to Scooter anyway. The posts would also be public, I think, as opposed to the normal flocking, simply because there will be nothing to hide in them.
Understand, I'm a firm believer in writing whatever the hell I goddamn please in my own journal, and I might do it even if everyone comments, "COMICS SUCK! YOU ARE A NERD! NO ONE CARES!"
But! I am considering getting a second journal with more nebulous topics, that is all public and more of a portfolio-type of thing, which I could include comics in, but I'm not sure how awesome that would be in a portfolio-type of thing.
(Actually, I'm sure it would depend on a position and the company. It might be a bonus for a gaming company or a tech company with a lot of nerds or even the right marketing firm, but a HUGE drawback for lots of other places. Of course, I don't know that I want to work at a company where such a thing would be a drawback, but I also know that I need a job more than I need a job I like.)
(Another aside, I am not even sure what other topics I would put in such a blog.)
I will probably write in a different tone, too. I think that this one might have been over-the-top-condescending, instead of just a bit snarky and irritated, but I'm not dissatisfied with it enough to start over.
I don't know, I could still change my mind, this is just a feeler. Feeling you up, running it's hand all around your brain, caressing your medulla oblongata.