I'm sorry I laughed at you that time you got diarrhoea at Barnes & Nobles.

Jun 17, 2006 14:57

I went to see my friend's band last night. They're called The Counterfeit Gypsies and my friend plays violin. There's also a double bass, a guitar, two violins, a flute and drums, and they play mostly Eastern European type music. They're absolutely awesome. If you live in/around Melbourne I will drag you along to one of their shows sometime.

Afterwards my friends and I went to Girlbar. It never ceases to amaze me how whenever I'm about to enter one of these queer-centred establishments I feel as though I have a big flashing neon sign on my forehead screaming

Ok so in theory it's true, but I tend not to have the desire to advertise it to the world. Not in neon anyway. On a scale from Julia Roberts to kd lang I'm hovering around a Shane McCutcheon so it's not like it's a secret. But still. Neon. Anyway it was really lame, because I swear 99% of the girls there were barely legal. I felt ancient, and subsequently spent the entire night on a couch head-bopping while desperately seeking out someone I could perve on without feeling like I was breaking the law. They didn't even have pole dancers this time. Alas, the only cute girls over 23 I spotted in the toilet queue while washing my hands. I would have hung out there if it hadn't been for all these seedy looking dykes sitting on the seats there, legs spread wide, looking all sultry and....eewwww no. In. Pee. Wash. Out.

I think I'm gonna go watch Wedding Crashers. Rachel McAdams will cheer me up.

The Literary Beksperiment v1.0

Northern Lights:

Current book:
The Subtle Knife

Current page count:

Current motivational level:
Omgicantbelieveihaventboughtthethirdyet :O

teh gay

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