Hey guys :) Been a bit slack with updating here but I'm back ... if anyone is interested lol
I have quite a few vids made that I havent posted here and you can find them on my website
http://tara494.googlepages.com/ If you go to the Music Video part check out volume 3 and there is a couple of BrotherhoodAU vids in there one is called "The Last Fight" and the other is called "Caleb's Birthday"
There are a couple of other birthday vids in there. One if for Gaelicspirit (Amanda) and the other one is just a fun filled vid called "So Far So Good by Bryan Adams for my friend Evelyne's birthday.
Last but not least my new vid made for my friend Lisa (angelustatt) for her Fic's. It's called "Broken Lands" here are the links to that now ...
Megaupload -
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B50CRHCWYoutube -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufiIXiXdl3s If you watch them I hope you like them :)
Seeya around :)
Tara x0x