A Little Less Conversation

Jan 24, 2008 18:34

Song Title/Vid Title: A Little Less Conversation
Vidder: wolfpup
Artist: Elvis Presley
Category: Song Interpretation/Feel Good
Characters: Mostly Dean.
Pairings: N/A
Warnings: Clips through 3.07.
Summary: So many women... so little time... (Dean's POV)
Notes: For Rachel who bid on me for the KazCon 2007 charity auction.

Format: wmv
Size: 49MB
Length: 3:42

When Rachel first gave me this song for her vid, I figured it would be fairly easy... Wrong! Don't ask me why, cause it doesn't seem like it should be the case, but this vid probably took me longer to put together than any other that I've done so far (except maybe Animal I Have Become). The clip selection was torturous. Sluty!Dean might seem like it should be easy, but it wasn't, at least not for me. As much as the boy likes to flirt, he never really gets anywhere that we ever see on screen. Figuring out how to structure the thing wasn't any easier. WMM and I decided about halfway through that we hated each other and we didn't care if the other knew it. I whined, I screamed, I cried... But now that it's done, I'm glad Rachel gave me something that I probably would have given up on if it would have been my own idea. Hopefully someone out there will enjoy it.

Thanks to brighette for the beta.

A download link can be found at my website: Wolfpup's Den

You can also find a lower quality streaming version of my vids at Putfile.

vidder: wolfpup, character: dean winchester, category: song interpretation

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