Vid Title: Supernatural Creatures Who
Song Title: Doctor Who Theme
Vidder: ICantBelieveImNotButter
Artist: Murry Gold
Characters: Demons/Ghosts/Vampires
Warnings: Some clips from season 2
Summary: Just a quick trailer showing some of the many demons and creatures that Dean and Sam have had to face during their hunt.
Over Here :D Vid Title: Supernatural/Torchwood
Song Title: Torchwood intro
Vidder: ICantBelieveImNotButter
Artist: Unknown???
Characters: Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester
Warnings: season 2 clips
Summary: A short trailer set to the Torchwood intro spoken by Captain Jack Harkness. "Torchwood. Outside the govenment, beyond the police. Tracking down Alien life on Earth and Arming the Human race against the future. The 21st century is when everything changes. And you gotta be ready"
Check it out! Vid Title: Supernatural Trailer
Song Title: Torchwood Theme
Vidder: ICantBelieveImNotButter
Artist: Unknown??
Characters: Dean, Sam and John
Summary: A very quick trailer using the Torchwood theme
Hello ;) Vid Title: The Winchester Trailer
Song Title: Unknown???
Vidder: ICantBelieveImNotButter
Artist: Unknown???
Characters: John Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester and Mary Winchester
Warnings: may contain season 2 clips
Summary: Sorry about the title. Couldn't think of anything else. Anyway, this is just another trailer I made. Not long. The music is taken from the Torchwood episode 'End Of Days' If anyone has seen the episode it is playing after Gwen sees the "Future" where her boyfriend dies and she runs to get him.
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