Vid: Dean/Castiel: I WIll Carry You With Me

Jul 14, 2012 00:38

Title: I Will Carry You With Me
Vidder: morganlucas41
Song/Artist: “See You Again” by Carrie Underwood
Category: slash, romance, angst, S7
Characters: Dean, Castiel
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: through 7.23
Warnings: none
Format, size, and length: .wmv, 26.8 MB, 3:55
Summary: Dean will carry Cas with him…until he sees him again.
Notes: I’m a longtime vidder, but this is the first Dean/Cas vid I’ve posted. Comments are much appreciated!

Click here for the vid at my journal.

category: slash, category: romance, character: castiel, character: dean winchester, category: angst

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