Title: It Is What It Is
Vidder: ashdoode
Artist: Lifehouse
Category: Episodic; character study
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester
Length: 1:38
Format: youtube (sorry, no dl links!)
Spoilers: up to 6x17
Summary: "you know ..the one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you." I've always believed that castiel loved dean -- but i've always seen it as a one-sided unrequited love. I'm sure dean loves cas the way he loves bobby and ellen and jo and all his friends; just not the way he loves sammy in that "i'd sell my soul for you" - psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent soulmate kinda way. So I wanted to illustrate how cas has given up everything for dean and gets next to nothing in return. It's sort of him going "what the hell is the point?" ; IDEK...I kinda wanted to try to justify his actions and show how human it is of him to make mistakes and balance all those shades of gray -- especially after everything he's done for our boys (ITS AN ANGSTY VID!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNowXs4oC-g Click to view