a few Sin city thoughts / question maybe

Jan 16, 2008 23:24

Hi! my first post here, I´m new in livejournal and a relative newbie spn fan, if someone wants to friend me I´ll be flattered :).  I discovered SPN during S2 re-runs (did you hear that CW? a new viewer during re-runs!! ) Anyway, last week I watched Sin City and something got my attention

I someone already posted about this, I apologize..
ok, the bar tender/demon told Dean about Azazel´s plan and Sam supposed to be the second in the chain of command, leading the demons army etc.  Then she/it? talks about God banishing Lucifer when it refused to incline in front of men ( I don´t remember the exact words)
If that is true, and if Lucifer topic is going to be important, (and I believe it because if not, then I don´t see a reason to include it in the script )   then  Lucifer wouldn´t be pleased to see a man leading demons, so maybe Lucifer was against Azazel plans? What do you think?

Ok that´s all my brain can process tonight.
PS: As you maybe noticed my english is a mess, i´m sorry,  if you find a mistake please tell me

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