I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested

Nov 26, 2007 13:31

I have a psych class this semester and our personality project was to analyze a character from two different psychological personality theories and then make our case for which was better. Given that Dean is a proper mess, I chose him. I had a lot of fun writing it and thought I'd post it here. I'd love to hear any other opinions on it. I did refer ( Read more... )

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Comments 34

maemi21 November 26 2007, 18:50:38 UTC
As a psychology student I find this very interesting. You did a great job.


sarahwilder November 26 2007, 20:48:50 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad there's at least one other psych student in the crowd. Now hopefully my professor will agree. :)


loco_lobo November 26 2007, 19:14:40 UTC
wow...its been awhile since i studied any of this, i took a college psych 101 when i was in high school, and we didnt go into depth on invdividual theories since we had to cover basically everything, but this was really interesting

very cool


sarahwilder November 26 2007, 20:53:38 UTC


contrary_lady November 26 2007, 19:17:46 UTC
Very impressive and spot on. :)


sarahwilder November 26 2007, 20:53:54 UTC
Thank you!


ria_oaks November 26 2007, 19:23:50 UTC
Interesting essay. :) Great job analyzing Dean's character, and it was interesting to see how you applied the psychological theories to him. All my knowledge of pscyhology comes from Psych 100 4 years ago, so I don't know much about any of it, but I enjoyed reading about the theories and how they applied to Dean. Poor guy really is a mess, eh? :)


sarahwilder November 26 2007, 20:47:49 UTC
Poor guy really is a mess, eh?

When I saw this assignment on my syllabus I knew *exactly* who to write about! He's completely messed up and they do such a great job of writing it that I couldn't help myself. ;)


ladymirth November 26 2007, 19:29:18 UTC
Ha! Wish I'd taken your psych class. I'm mid-way through pschology 101 knew just enough to point out that Sam and Dean was out of touch with their "female" cores, because of the lack of a mother's influence growing up, and needed to balance that out preferably via a stable romantic relationship with a woman. And got called sexist and sappy for my pains. You've said the same thing here, only in a different way. Dean is too attached to his family, and that's just not healthy.

Great essay! I think your professor might just start watching Supernatural. How many shows have characters this realistic and true to life?


sarahwilder November 26 2007, 20:46:18 UTC
I think Psych 101 is designed solely to weed out students who don't like to read. ;) If you muscle through it, the upper level classes get really interesting.

BTW, icon *LOVE*!


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