Title: ...drat!
roguemouseBeta: The lovely
taelynhawker, who did this on extremely short notice *hearts* Also: I tweeked with the fic after the betaing, so any mistakes left are totally my fault.
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Dean. Sam.
Rating: PG
Word count: 562
Disclaimer: This is a work of pure fiction. Don’t know them (sadly), surely don’t own them (Kripke and Co. do *those lucky bastards*). Written for fun, not for money. Period. Also: any characters/concepts that aren't original (read: mine) - both in the Supernatural fandom, and beyond it - belong to their respectable owners.
Warnings: Gen. Crack (but only a bit). Drabble
Spoilers: None.
Summary: A very over-due fic I owed
slartibartfast. She posted a picspam with her adorable rats (Ziggy and Stardust) and - eventually - prompted me to write a fic, where Sam hates rats and Dean brings one with them just to annoy him.