Not feeling so great.

May 03, 2011 17:16

*Feels gross and wonders why she even bothered with school today, leaning against the lockers and really hoping that the slight pangs aren't what she thinks they are*

ooc: I was going to do this later, but with graduation hold me coming up, I'm going to be somewhat busy over the next couple of weeks, so I decided to do this now.

oh god, didn't sign up for this, 10 things i hate about life, baby onboard, poster child for coach carr, mother of the year, fml x 39853205832058320958320, poetry of heart break, thundercats are go, omfg, crap this is crap, oh shit, let's get down to business, lol drama, amelia is getting an education, spidey senses are tingling, roughly the size of a barge, oh snap, shit got real, fffffffffffffffffff

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