Since new episodes of SPN start tomorrow, we’re going to put a Spoiler Policy in effect. Any plots inspired by or characters who are introduced in new episodes will have to be put on hold for 2 DAYS after the ep has aired. If you request a character from a new ep, the mods will not approve it until the spoiler window has closed. So, if the episode airs Friday night for you, Monday you can post with any plots/characters related to the ep.
Cool? Cool~
Also, a reminder that any questions or problems, please contact us through the
contact-a-mod post or privately DM one of us on LJ, Twitter, Skype, etc. You all generally know how to get ahold of one of us (and if not, just say so here and we'll provide that info). Please direct your questions to us, since we’ll know what’s being done to solve a problem or we’ll know the answer. We just wanted to briefly address bringing up issues and questions on Twitter. Julia and I aren’t around to check Twitter all the time, and it’s really difficult to discuss issues with a 140 character limit and in such an open environment, especially if it’s something that involves another character/player. We’d really like to ask that questions about another character/player or other issues be directed to one of the mods privately (or even contact the person). We prefer to discuss and work out these issues with those involved, but not out in the open. Discussing or asking opinions on a potential new character or plot idea or asking who's playing who is no problem with us. It’s when an issue is brought up in a public place when we are trying to work that out in private that we have a problem. If the issue doesn’t involve you directly, but you’d like to know if it’s being addressed, please direct it to Julia or me instead of bringing it up in a public way. If it’s an issue that affects the whole comm, we’ll make a post and address it. (Additionally, this has been an issue we've been thinking about discussing for quite some time and waited to address in the next mod post.)
We just wanted to be honest with everyone. There’s only about 10-15 of you, but since everyone has multiple characters, it’s like modding a comm with 60+ rpers, which can be stressful. We love and adore every one of you and absolutely love this comm, we just wanted to be up-front that the Twitter discussions involving other people’s characters are causing a stress and we don’t want anyone to get hurt over them.
I’ll be screening comments, so if you have any questions or concerns, you can post them here and we’ll address them privately.
P.S. Any comm-wide plot ideas? We’re always up to hear them, just drop us a line. We want to get everyone involved and having fun! And let’s face it, Julia and I aren’t the most creative people ever o____o
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