*Opens up his newest used bookstore more of a place to store his collection than anything else while preparing for his upcoming teaching gig at the high school.*
Baldur, huh? Interesting name. You teach at the high school as well? It's a pleasure. I'm not especially skilled in the natural sciences, but I've always appreciated them as a subject, so kudos to you.
*Feels some sort of ~powers through the handshake*
Yes well, my mother was always interested in Norse - lore. *Sure, that's it....*
Thank you. So, what kind of mythology do you enjoy learning about yourself? Or are you more of a 'want to find out everything' kind of person? *Smiles*
*Wondering around town when he notices a new bookshop has been opened*
*Decides he might as well take a look at it*
Hello. Can I help you find anything?
Ah, yes, I was wondering if you had any books on Hinduism? Been meaning to brush up on it for a while now.
Hinduism? But of course. I have an extensive collection on theology, as it turns out. *Leads him over to that section* Take your pick.
*Eyes widen at the vast variety of books* Wow, you certainly do.
Any particular ones you would recommend?
Well, this one right here is an extensive history of the religion. This one right here is more theological. It depends on what you're looking for.
Well then. You'll want this one. *Hands him a huge encyclopedia* It has extensive details on every god in every religion ever.
Thank you - Um, sorry, I don't believe I caught your name?
Oh, sorry. I'm Virgil Aeneid. I'm the new mythology/English teacher at the high school.
And you teach at the high school? I do as well, I teach the natural sciences.
Baldur, huh? Interesting name. You teach at the high school as well? It's a pleasure. I'm not especially skilled in the natural sciences, but I've always appreciated them as a subject, so kudos to you.
Yes well, my mother was always interested in Norse - lore. *Sure, that's it....*
Thank you.
So, what kind of mythology do you enjoy learning about yourself? Or are you more of a 'want to find out everything' kind of person? *Smiles*
Norse lore? Is that where she got your name?
*Grins* Me? I love reading about anything and everything. But I do have specific experience in the Judeo-Christian traditions, myself.
Judeo-Christian you say? Interesting...
What do you mean by experience though?
I've traveled all around the world. Been to a few holy sites. Sat in on many services. I've practically lived the Bible.
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