Ms. George can help you~

Jan 06, 2011 17:56

*finallly finished redecorating her office/waiting area because it was covered in salt and symbols 8I

the new waiting room~

the new counselor's office~

has pretty much every flavour of tea, chocolates, and other snacks for students and faculty

got new pamphlets!

and had some "special" pamphlets made for the "special" students 8)

may have those locked in a "special" drawer in her desk along with any other "special" items


My office is finally done, so feel free to stop by and talk any time you'd like (except lunch, I only have half an hour, guys). If you need a longer session, you may ~make an appointment. My door is always open~

but i have to know her, school doesn't always suck, stunning flawless perfection, anyone willing to share their booze?, this could be a disastuh, oh hell no!, just gonna stand here and watch me yearn, poetry of heart break, fml x 39853205832058320958320, make a statement, talk nerdy to me, good advice from adults, must not tell lies, too late to apologize~, sucks to be the student body, haters gonna hate, oh shit, rumors are fun, pleasure zone denied, but i have to know, bamf like whoa, fun times, loooooost in this world, oh hells yeah, teenage delinquency, love is in the air~, didn't sign up for this, how does that make you ~feel, feel your feelings, idk what this is, counseling time, i know the risks, omfg, crap this is crap, perfection, newsworthy, omg so secret shhhh, who thought this was a good idea?, you need therapy, you disgust me, popcorn.gif literally, bad life decisions, confused, help, don't even try, kinda depressing, oh snap, what is this feeling?, romance, solemnly swear we're up to no good, f' yeah, did not expect that, are you serious rn?, shit got real, lol wtf, mr schue has srs issues, aaaand your results are in

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