It's a recc life : )

Aug 20, 2010 17:12

OMG im soooo sleepy., i didn't go to bed until gone 4am, because im a masochist and kept myself up watching Lethal Weapon 3 *im soo cool* and then i was up at 9am.. i did all my ironing and sorting out of clothes last night, all my clothes are now ready to be packed into the suitcase. This morning i went and got my $$$ and the last bits and bobs i needed, like a pad-lock for my case. Cleaned up a bit around the house and did the laundry... Not bad for someone running on 4 1/2 hours sleep lol!!!

Read some gleefic yesterday and thought i'd recc a few of my favs...

:10 Minutes Blondezilla90
Spoilers 1x22: What happened between the kiss on the stairs and the beginning of Glee?

:Sumertime Blondezilla90
Sequel of 10 Minutes. Two weeks later, the sexy time ensues.

:Autumn Leaves Blondezilla90
Sequel to Summertime. Future Fic: Finn and Rachel enjoying their Autumn in NYC.

:Shadows Searching In The Night flaneuse89
What if Mr. Schue didn't teach at WMHS and wasn't there to revive the Glee club when he did? Could fate still bring Rachel & Finn and the rest of the glee kids together? A story about finding real love, real friends, and your real self in high school. AUfic. NOTE FIC STILL IN PROGRESS

Aug 14th Tweet - "so here we are, shooting in a cemetery, until at least midnight, on Friday the 13th. It's a good thing I'm not superstitious!"

I sooo can't wait for S2 and these bts pics and Corys tweets is only making me more excited and impatient lol!!!

source - Cory's Twitter @frankenteen

i hope everyone is having a FINNtastic Friday


twitter, life, recc, tv show - glee, frankenteen, gleefic

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