Today, I offer you fic (not my own) and a shout-out to this years' SPN Gen Fic Exchange. It looks mighty gorgeous, by the way. Well, they both are gorgeous. Go check them out!
So, here is my girl
indiachick's AWEsome first
It was inspired by a prompt in
hoodie_time and it is a zombie!Dean fic. And it's a viceral, colorful, raw, stream-of-consciousness piece of art. The imagery, my gosh. I got this whole 28 Days Later/ Walking Dean vibes. What makes it extra cool is it's from a zombies' POV yet still works beautifully!
Go read, shoo. I order you to! And please comment on its fabness, if possible!
And now something complete different
Also check out this summers Supernatural Gen Fic Exchange.
I'm going to participate this year *is nervous* so let's hope that I can rise to the challenge :D