
Dec 05, 2005 00:44

Well, my last post is about Thanksgiving and it's now December, so I guess it's time to update. I'm uber stressed out, for various reasons. One being the mass amount of work I have to do... an English paper, a History paper, and a short original screenplay all due in a little over a week, plus a physics exam. What have I done? Well, I still have to finish reading Jane Eyre in order to write my English paper, though luckily that will be reasonably simple once the book is done... Then the History paper requires mass amounts of research... oh and also requires me actually deciding on a topic. The screenplay currently has absolutely no story at all thus hasn't started, and the physics exam... Well I got a B on the last one so I'm not too worried.

I'm supposed to be jotting down story ideas to send to my instructor tomorrow. I can't think of anything. I've been reading old LJ posts in order to try and spark some kind of creativity. I think it's my room is just not condusive to writing. I'm thinking tomorrow I'll have to hop on the tube and go somewhere else to write. Maybe the park. Who knows. Anyways, hopefully I'll not procrastinate as much this time and actually do a good job on my work. Hahaha.

Anyways, yesterday was totally fun. I know all these USC kids here so we went to this BBQ place to watch the USC/UCLA game. I borrowed a shirt. It was awesome. All these nasty Longhorns were there watching the UT/Colorado game that was on before it. Omg and we had babyback ribs, they were FANTASTIC. I miss bbq. Then the place like closed at halftime so we had to move and go to this sports bar for the rest of the game. It was so fun. They played cheesy music too. There were nasty Longhorns there too, but not as many. Ooh and at the first place we got a huge pitcher of Strawberry Daquiri and it was sooo good. Anyways, that's all for now.
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