I did The Thing!

May 29, 2021 12:51

Two things! I cancelled my Sky broadband subscription, which was less of a nightmare than I thought. The biggest hurdle was having thrown everything to do with that account in a black bin bag along with all the other papers I was slowly sorting through.

Then I applied for non-means-tested ESA on account of being really disabled. To give you an idea of how disabled: I could not make money selling things on Ebay because I would never be able to get things posted on time even if someone else took them to the post office. I can't concentrate long enough or fill stuff in reliably or even remember that I should be doing something. I can have One Thing I have to do and that's that until I do it and move to the next thing on the list, and it can take two weeks to make a phone call.

Anyway, that particular application process was remarkably easy. It would be impossible on a normal day, but today was a Good Day and I got it done.

PIP meanwhile is going to be a weeks long slog for my sibling who works in administration for a government department and thus does bureacracy for an actual living, and she's already confused as to what evidence they actually want. I forwarded on emails from a helpful afper who knows who they are which I hope will help.

So, two months after Pol's death and a month after his funeral, I am finally getting benefits sorted out.

At some point in the dim and distant future I have a laptop to set up with details from this laptop, which all seems like so much hard work. The last thing Pol helped me with was getting the right laptop to replace this one. He was really, really busy at work so we weren't talking much, but he made time for this. This entry was originally posted at https://supermouse.dreamwidth.org/85525.html. There are
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