To nobody's surprise, dealing with Pol's death is pretty awful

May 11, 2021 11:58

So, I managed to get Pol repatriated as per his parents' wishes and with the okay of Kira and Random before I finalised things. It was done, the funeral was in hand, I could relax.

And then my health collapsed (not surprisingly) and I've had an ME/CFS relapse and something like and probably actually a nervous breakdown, managing, with difficulty, to keep in touch with the funeral directors for the month it took to get his death certificates, but I've been having a real wobbly any time I need to do anything involving forms or websites. Yesterday was an entire 'I cannot anything at all day' for example.

I've had severe trouble keeping up with people too. Hugs have helped, a lot, but I know I've been silent on here through sheer lack of spoons.

So, now financial stuff *has* to happen and I'm handing everything on to our accountants, who only heard that he'd died today when I told them. Waiting for a call back, but it really is like he's just died all over again, having to inform someone.

This time I have omeprazole for the stomach ulcer.

The pandemic is not helping anything...

Vaccination round two next week.

Hugs and messages are life, every random sudden message has really helped whether I responded or not, and often several times as I see it again. I'm all scattered and spoonless right now. But I did manage to call the accountant! I'm even clean and dressed, which is a major step up on the last two weeks.

Hope everyone is doing as well as this year allows. *hugs* to anyone else who needs them. This entry was originally posted at There are
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