The State of the Rodent

Apr 14, 2021 10:14

So... Pol's being cremated tomorrow. I can't travel up there, it's just not an option. I managed to get myself real coffee this morning and will otherwise be in bed all day. I really need a shower this evening, somehow.

I never gave words to the eulogy and haven't heard back at all on what the humanist minister said. It's all very remote. I'll be watching remotely while it all goes on without me.

There are still no death certificates! The German registry office are dragging their feet over the lack of Pol's passport. I've been sending everything as soon as I'm asked.

Meanwhile I cancelled all DDs as I was told to, only to get asked to not do that please, so there's a huge mess going on up north that's very stressful that I can do nothing about. They need the death certificates they do not have to pay utility bills. I feel as though I've screwed people over but can't fix it.

I'm mostly sleeping or wrapped up in whatever distraction I can find. I'm in the same mental state I was last year when we were on lockdown and dealing with a garden full of trashed bushes our back neighbour cut down and dumped where they fell, a six foot high pile of stuff in a tiny garden, with my mother freaking out and having to talk to the police and stuff, with pandemic everywhere.

A dear, dear friend is making me a rose to remember Pol by, which is just very sweet. Another is chatting online with me right now. I'm wondering what I have to do next. I have a lot of email addresses to change. Twitter and Facebook already have my new, main email address added to other accounts, so now I need to set up a new email for those and just now I Cannot for, well, everything just about. Thankfully I have siblings who will help.

A large plate of liver, dark green cabbage and mushrooms seems to have done something good for my appetite. It tasted delicious. If you don't like these things, good for you, tell someone else please, not me.

I have lots of very good friends. I love you all. I hope you're all as well as possible. Perhaps you are doing nice things for Spring? This entry was originally posted at There are
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