Trivial wittering about life.

Mar 30, 2021 07:45

I'm listening to Five Words, Five Grand on Absolute Radio, because my alarm goes off at 7:30. It's been depressing to hear the news segments repeat right-wing talking points as of around last year, but the actual show is sheer silliness about words and somewhat about how the world is to live in with lockdowns and whatnot.

Radio adverts have definitely adapted, but it's been a weird journey of a mismatch between adverts clearly made in the Before Times that advertised things people could no longer do, to a lot of adverts about companies Caring A Lot about you, to people running out of ideas and reassurances about safety procedures, to ads centred around doing things online and getting stuff delivered.

Out again in a couple of hours to try to sort out the same Halifax account again, since I managed to lose The Number I needed to add to get online banking working. Halifax do not let you ever talk to a human no matter what, and play 'first and sixth' letters which keep not matching even when I can see them in front of me typed out with 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. beneath.

This account has been just as difficult to access since it was last made and even my card isn't up to date, so it's a pain. I get the horrible feeling I'll end up with someone trying to use the exact same interface and no online banking at all, but I can at least get some management done. This entry was originally posted at There are
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