One of those nights where you decide it's morning. For some reason I've been really cold all night, huddling under extra blankets.
One and a half hours to go before Germany officially wakes up and the long day begins.
Sibling here at nine thirty.
Everyone close to Pol is Very Upset and it's all very weird and also exactly like every account I've ever read of dealing with a death in the family.
The roughest part so far is the daily 'Night night' text I didn't send before I tried to sleep. I called Ccooke instead who was calm, compassionate and let me grieve until I was tired/relaxed enough to yawn.
I mean I didn't sleep much, if at all, but I gave it the best possible try. Several times!
Decisions have to be made, and everyone who needs to be involved isn't in a good place. Pol's will is very, very clear, it's like a last gift from him.
On a lighter note, the windowsill magpies have just arrived and are trying different strategies to make suet and mealworms happen, but I long ago decided that Real Morning is never until the alarm goes at 7:30am, and they don't get fed until after that, ever.
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