Back from Scotland

Apr 23, 2012 13:13

Had a nice dinner with Pol's family.

I've also been in the garden, where I found all my dill has been killed. If I want dill, I have to start again from scratch. I probably will do just that, and let it get large before I plant it out. This dill had been out for weeks and been fine, so I am sad.

I have a few live turnips outside, (Arcoat, which grow to the size of a golf ball) until they get chomped. In the greenhouse, I have sixteen I've transplanted to get nice and big. The rest can stay in modules for a while longer, since they have room. Seed compost is low in nutrients, so they should be retarded compared to the moved on ones (which are the biggest anyway), so I'll move them on for an ad hoc succession planting. I wasn't expecting so many to germinate and do so well so soon.

I now have two nasturtium plants, one well-chewed and one okay. And I have to stop typing because Spice has missed me and keeps wanting a cuddle. She can be very heavy and demanding when she wants to be.

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pol, spice, family, garden, reasons to be cheerful

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