I spent this morning planning out my plantings and reading up on companion plants. Here's my plan so far - is there anything wrong you can see with it?
Holly bed:
Dill, Cosmos, Leeks, Romanesco, Violetta, Rosemary, Bramble, Turnips, Chamomile, Lavender, Carrots, Garlic.
Notes: keep dill away from carrots and near the brassicas. Romanesco is a fractal cauliflower and Violetta is a deep purple cauliflower.
Greenhouse bed:
Tomato, Spinach, Borage, Asparagus, Comfrey, Nettle, Catnip, Dill, Rhubarb, Strawberry, Thyme.
The tomatoes and spinach are together behind the asparagus and away from everything else. This bed gets the most sunshine, although the spinach will end up quite shaded.
West Wall:
Lilies, Freesia, Parsley, Sugar Snap Pea, Marjoram, Raspberry, Spinach, Squash, Radishes, Loganberry, Roses, Lemon Cucumber, Mange Tout, Rosemary, Lavender, Sweet Pea, Black Sunflower, Daffodils, Polyanthus, Bamboo (non-spreading), Snowdrops
Notes: in August, the peas will be cut down to rot, and overplanted with Rocket Salad and Pak Choi. This is a very, very long bed and has room for everything.
Patio Bed:
Roses, Asparagus Pea, Morning Glory, Cornflower, 'Bee Mixture', Garlic, Parsnips
Back door:
(In pots)
'Black Cherry' tomato, Poached Egg Plant, Bramble
Notes: this part of the house is a complete sun trap, with a southern facing wall. The poached egg plant is going in with the tomatoes.
North Facing Bed:
Rotting wood, Snowdrops, Ivy
Currant Bed:
Redcurrants, Blackcurrants, Gooseberries, Winter Jasmine, Nettles, Nasturtium, Sage, Sunflowers
Everywhere there's still room:
Marigolds, Borage, Comfrey, Nasturtium, Sweet Marjoram, Tarragon, Hyssop. I'm also leaving existing weeds in place unless they're actually overshadowing something edible.
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