Did I do night time relaxation for ten minutes? YES! I love my relaxation, I do...
Did I have my night time pill last night? YES! Antibiotics - I am off the propranolol for two days, doctor's orders. I go back on them Saturday.
What time did I go to bed? 12am roughly, but I didn't get any sleep until about 3am.
What time did I get up? 5am.
Did I do my dawn walk? NO! I've been wheezing and short of breath so, no, no exercise to speak of.
What's the weather like outside? Raining and very windy. Gale warnings. Thunder at one point.
Did I take my morning pill? YES!
What was breakfast? A glass of milk and a cup of coffee.
Did I do morning relaxation for ten minutes? NO! Oooops.
Other than the dawn walk, did I go Outside? YES! Although onlt to the shed. But it was Outside!
Did I have lunch? YES! Steak and a smoothie.
Did I take my lunchtime pill? YES!
Did I have a nap? NO! I can't lie down and still breathe.
Did I write? YES! 950 words on the subject of being nice to people.
Did I watch or listen to anything? NO! Really not, all day.
Did I do anything physical? NO! I've been really rather ill.
Did I talk to anyone? YES! Pol, briefly. Tesco's delivery bod.
Did I have dinner? YES! Veggie pot.
How many painkillers have I had? None! I have to remember to take tramadol tonight.
What bad things happened today? I had a bad moment where I coughed and it was an ordinary cough, sore but not leaving me gasping horribly for breath and frightened because I can't. Breathe. And this ordinary cough made me realise how frightening it has been, not being able to just breathe in and out easily. And I cried a lot. But then I felt better. I had red marks on my neck where I've been unconsciously clawing at my neck to breathe. So, yes, pretty much the sudden chest infection sucked. I have merely an ordinary cold now and that's bad too but just not on the same scale as the WTF that hit my upper airway.
What good things happened today? My shopping arrived and the delivery bod was nice - they almost always are. I had hugs from Pol before he went to work. My WTF turned into just a cold and the relief is amazing.
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