Actual update and so on.

Aug 05, 2010 18:21

Moth looooooooooves me. She also has a bit of a chicken problem. If she sees that there's chicken in the fridge, she'll come and seek me out to say OH HAI THUR, DIDJA KNOW THERE'S CHIKKIN AND IT IS IN THE FRIJ AND NOT IN MAI BOWL?? or something similar. This would be adorable, but it's less sweet if you're trying to sleep off a migraine and standing on your head going MY CHIKKEN, LET YOU SHOW ME IT. Any worries I had about her eyesight have dissipated. She can see roast chicken from an unusual angle at ten yards, that's good enough for me.

Today has been a fairly good day. Much of it has been spent sitting quietly in as near to complete darkness as I can manage, but in between times, I've had time to play with making a cipher and breaking other ciphers. I did some maths too. A new copy of Nature has arrived, as well as a renewal notice. I made a cash transfer, which takes more brain than I usually have. And I went out to get milk and bleach. Go me. I also spent a while trying to learn Arabic again. I seem to get to a certain point with that, then get stuck. I also did the pots! Go me.

I think, probably, I'll play another round of Echo Bazaar (twitter-based MMORPG, quite fun) and go and sit quietly in the dark again for a while. It's currently the only thing that makes the headache go away atm. (Yes, if really bad photophobia continues, I'll be sure to mention it to someone. Meanwhile, there's always Radio 4).

In other words, while I am not a well bunny, I'm better today than in a long while, overall things are improving and I am in a really good mood. Also, I have sweets. Yay!

On a slightly random note, if you want to donate for the Pakistan Floods Appeal, the website is here or you can pick out your individual charity (Oxfam, Red Cross or even go to the Post Office.

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housework, arabic, gaming, migraine, ciphers

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