Keeping track (The greatest orator would here be made)

Jun 28, 2009 19:16

Did I tidy my room? YES! I can move around more easily now, although Pol's big bag and my store of fruit-related items still make an impenetrable barrier to the door.

Did I go to bed early last night? YES! Half an hour late but still lights out by eleven. And then I couldn't sleep, but at least I tried.

Did I take my nighttime anti-migraine pills? YES!

Did I do night time relaxation? YES! Twice.

Did I do my dawn walk? NO! For a change, I slept through 4am and right through to 7am

What's the weather like? Hot and dry and very sunny with the mackerel-scale sky of oncoming bad weather. If it's going to be sunny every day and rain every night, I won't complain.

Did I wash and get dressed in nice clothes? YES! With jingly necklace.

Did I do relaxation after breakfast? YES! Not for long, but again, I tried.

Did I go out somewhere else too? YES! Pol drove Arwen to the sauna so I tagged along.

Did I cook? NO! The oven is still, alas, in pieces after I disassembled it yesterday. At least it no longer is covered in soap.

Did I take my noon anti-migraine pills? YES!

Did I do anything energetic? YES! I emptied the cat tray. I moved the three-tier planter so the bottom tier, of strawberries, could get sun all round. I figured that housemates would not mind it being there, especially if it was going to bring forth strawberries now and then. (Plan is to plant all three tiers eventually, but one does what one can). I cleaned the kitchen and took my clean washing upstairs. I made my bed, EVEN UNTO putting the fancy bedspread over the top.


Did I take painkillers? YES! Aspirin. No opiates. The break is long overdue. I can't say I am feeling stunning on the lack, although oddly I slept better without the tramadol.

Did I have a migraine? YES! Here it is now, so I shall pause and take more aspirin.

Do I feel MEish? NO! Not really. Not compared with recently, anyway.

How are my sinuses? Cruddy. I have mild hayfever, which is helping to clear them out if anything.

Did I sleep well? YES! Asleep finally at about 12:30am, rock solid out until 7am.


Put the damned oven back together after perhaps another scrub-just-in-case to get the soap out.
Call vet, make appointment.
Go to BAND to see what it's like.
Ring Linda and see if the allotment is having a meeting.
Get fresh bread.
Ring pop man and see when he is next due.
Wash sheets, if machine is free.

sunshine, arwen, pol, summer, strawberries, appointments, accountability

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