Happy Thing(s): I'm getting better at not feeling I have to please those who hurt either me or people I value - go, go self esteem! It's a beautiful sunny day.
Did I tidy my room? YES! And now it needs tidying again because I've lived in it, but I'll do that before I go to sleep.
Did I go to bed early last night? NO!
Did I take my nighttime anti-migraine pills? YES! I've been so bad lately that I'd actually got a day behind on pill taking. I thought it was Friday today...
Did I do night time relaxation? YES! Necessary if I am going to discuss racism or sexism on LJ, really.
Did I do my dawn walk? NO! I was asleep. This is somehow better than being awake but too tired or too depressed to go out.
What's the weather like? Bright and sunny and warm. Mmmmmm. Hurts the eyes but I don't care, it still feels good to have sun on my skin, if only very briefly. I miss basking in the sun, I really do.
Did I wash and get dressed in nice clothes? YES! Well, not washed but I'll have a wipe before I put on my pyjamas and I went clean to bed (freshly made bed, too). I am wearing a new top I got second hand. I bought it to have exactly the effect on Pol that it did. :0)
Did I do relaxation after breakfast? NO!
Did I go out somewhere else too? NO! Into the garden for a very short time.
Did I cook? NO! I heated a steamer meal for breakfast. Lunch was grapes and chocolate biscuits, since nausea is a big issue.
Did I take my noon anti-migraine pills? YES! Doing this post reminded me...
Did I do anything energetic? YES! I emptied the kitchen bin, the bottle recycling and the paper recycling and put a load of laundry on which should now be drying. I wiped the kitchen and the inside of the microwave. I set the dishwasher going after putting things in. I put pots away and pots out to dry. I scooped the cat tray.
Did I take painkillers? YES! Cocodamol last night so I could sleep at all. I've been having a break from tramadol, so the extra load of pain is part of why I am so tired (I didn't wake up until 10am). Back on druuuuugs tonight, probably.
Did I have a migraine? YES. I am so photophobic. There's an iron bar wiggling around inside my skull, too, jabbing at my eyeball - seriously, the pain really does feel square and metallic.
Do I feel MEish? YES! Climbing upstairs to my room is still a major effort. My armpits are swelling up as I type.
How are my sinuses? Cruddy.
Did I sleep well? YES! I went to sleep late and woke late (10am) but in between? Rock solid out. The insomnia and bad weather have been going hand in hand. As a result, I feel SO MUCH BETTER!
Cuddle Pol at least *once* this weekend.