Happy Thing(s): Moth killed a ball of foil and seemed to really enjoy it. It was a nice day and for once I actually saw some of it. I went Outside. Pol came up for a cuddle last night. No 1 Ladies Detective Agency is really, really good.
Did I tidy my room? YES! My room has been presentable all day.
Did I go to bed early last night? NO! I stayed up late, tried to sleep before midnight and couldn't. After an hour or two, I got back up again.
Did I take my nighttime anti-migraine pills? YES!
Did I do night time relaxation? YES! I've been trying hard with this. It seems to be keeping the migraines down.
Did I do my dawn walk? NO!
What's the weather like? Warm and sunny during the day, cool and pleasant at night.
Did I wash and get dressed in nice clothes? YES! I've just had a shower before bed. I was dressed straight after breakfast (which was at 5pm but you can't have everything).
Did I do relaxation after breakfast? NO!
Did I go out somewhere else too? YES! I went for a walk across the field and back.
Did I cook? YES! I heated a tin of butter beans for breakfast (which doesn't count as cooking). For dinner, I mixed tinned black-eyed beans, cajun spice and butter and mixed it with tinned mackerel. For tomorrow, if I can't get out, I have another small tin of butter beans, dried mushrooms and a tin of pear halves. I also have oatmeal and there is milk.
Did I take my noon anti-migraine pills? NO! I didn't wake up until 5pm, too late for pills.
Did I do anything energetic? YES! I put on a load of laundry. I put pots away and loaded up the dishwasher again and set it going. I hunted the entire downstairs looking for the whiteboard pen. I went for a walk across the field and back. I emptied the bin and took all the wheelie bins out. I pulled cardboard boxes out of the bin so I could put the much messier paper waste from the house into it. I scooped the cat tray and replaced half of the litter. I cleaned the lower bathroom and loo. I cleaned the kitchen, including some of the floor. I tidied the hall.
I also found out about why
Amazon Rank googlebomb came to be - see
here for details of how Amazon.com is stripping the sales rank from books by or about queer authors, including Stephen Fry. For example, search for the book 'Heather has two mommies' and the book of that title is listed 10th!
Did I take painkillers? YES! Tramadol and cocodamol last night.
Did I have a migraine? YES! One last night and one when I woke up.
Do I feel MEish? YES! I am totally out of breath every time I climb the stairs and have to sit down for a while.
How are my sinuses? Cruddy.
Did I sleep well? NO! I couldn't get to sleep and, when I did sleep, I slept poorly.
Beg housemates to leave the wheelie bin empty until recycling day, so we can have a kitchen free of cardboard jenga. Someone keeps stuffing it full on Monday and then there's nowhere to put the rubbish from the house for two weeks. I left a note but I'll try to catch people tomorrow face to face or, heck, text them.
Shop for food. There's very little left in my cupboard, other than carbs. I have just remembered I still have a frozen pancake in the shed.